Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 24/2/2025 to 2/3/2025.
Study now
Chapter contains:
Discussion Forum
Study text
Teacher recommends to study now - from 24/2/2025 to 9/3/2025.
Study now
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study now - from 3/3/2025 to 9/3/2025.
Svoboda médií (nezávislost a veřejný zájem)
Teacher recommends to study from 10/3/2025 to 16/3/2025.
Kazuistika II
Teacher recommends to study from 10/3/2025 to 23/3/2025.
Rovnost v médiích (objektivita, vyváženost)
Teacher recommends to study from 17/3/2025 to 23/3/2025.
Kulturní koheze (neškodit)
Teacher recommends to study from 24/3/2025 to 31/3/2025.
Kazuistika III
Teacher recommends to study from 24/3/2025 to 6/4/2025.
Právo a média, svoboda projevu / úvod
Teacher recommends to study from 31/3/2025 to 13/4/2025.
Petr Koubský, Deník N: Právní a etické otázky vědecké žurnalistiky
Teacher recommends to study from 7/4/2025 to 21/4/2025.
Kazuistika IV
Teacher recommends to study from 7/4/2025 to 20/4/2025.
M. Dvořáková: média a trestní právo
Teacher recommends to study from 14/4/2025 to 20/4/2025.
J. Kotásek: Právní regulace reklamy a marketingu
Teacher recommends to study from 28/4/2025 to 4/5/2025.
Kazuistika V
Teacher recommends to study from 21/4/2025 to 4/5/2025.
M. Myška: základy autorského práva pro novináře, autorství a AI
Teacher recommends to study from 5/5/2025 to 11/5/2025.
M. Hanych: právo a nenávistné projevy - základy
Teacher recommends to study from 12/5/2025 to 18/5/2025.
Kazuistika VI
Teacher recommends to study from 5/5/2025 to 18/5/2025.
Závěrečný test
Teacher recommends to study from 19/5/2025 to 25/5/2025.