Molecular Principles of Drug Design
doc. PharmDr. Oldřich Farsa, Ph.D.
Molecular Principles of Drug Design

Preliminary schedule of lectures

20.2. Introduction to the subject. Combinatorial chemistry. Farsa
27.2. QSAR Farsa
6.3. Physical-chemical properties I Goněc
13.3. Structure coding Farsa
20.3. Physical-chemical properties II Goněc
27.3. Metabolism Goněc
3.4. Development of biologic therapeutics Farsa
10.4. Design of new antituberculotics Murgašová
17.4. Prodrugs Goněc
24.4. Membrane transporters Goněc
1.5. State holiday
8.5. State holiday
15.5. Patents and their meaning in drug development Farsa
22.5. FBDD Vaclavik
? Carbonic Anhydrases Havrankova
nebude, prezentaci dám do interaktivní osnovy Protein-drug interaction Goněc

Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 17/2/2025 to 23/2/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 24/2/2025 to 2/3/2025.
Study now
Teacher recommends to study now - from 3/3/2025 to 9/3/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 10/3/2025 to 16/3/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 17/3/2025 to 23/3/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 24/3/2025 to 30/3/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 31/3/2025 to 6/4/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 7/4/2025 to 13/4/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 14/4/2025 to 20/4/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 21/4/2025 to 27/4/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 28/4/2025 to 4/5/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 5/5/2025 to 11/5/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 12/5/2025 to 18/5/2025.
Teacher recommends to study from 19/5/2025 to 25/5/2025.