Prezenční studium - RLB273 Vývoj křesťanského kultu
prof. PhDr. David Zbíral, Ph.D.
Prezenční studium - RLB273 Vývoj křesťanského kultu
Teacher recommends to study from 22/2/2012 to 28/2/2012.
Teacher recommends to study from 7/3/2012 to 13/3/2012.
Teacher recommends to study from 21/3/2012 to 27/3/2012.
Teacher recommends to study from 4/4/2012 to 10/4/2012.
Teacher recommends to study from 18/4/2012 to 24/4/2012.
Teacher recommends to study from 2/5/2012 to 8/5/2012.
Teacher recommends to study from 16/5/2012 to 22/5/2012.