Organizační úvod
Chapter contains:
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 13/2/2023 to 19/2/2023.
Jan Vaverka: Kosmický výzkum a řízení projektů
Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 20/2/2023 to 26/2/2023.
Ing. Vladimír Kolařík: Fyzika v Delong Instruments
Teacher recommends to study from 27/2/2023 to 5/3/2023.
Peter Oberta: Fyzika ve firmě Rigaku
Teacher recommends to study from 6/3/2023 to 12/3/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 13/3/2023 to 19/3/2023.
dr. Jan Skalický: Fyzika v ThermoFisher Scientific
Teacher recommends to study from 20/3/2023 to 26/3/2023.
Aleš Jančář: VF Nuclear (Černá Hora)
Teacher recommends to study from 27/3/2023 to 2/4/2023.
Dr. Vlasáková: CTT MU
Teacher recommends to study from 3/4/2023 to 9/4/2023.
dr. Vratislav Šálený: hranice korporátu a akademie
Teacher recommends to study from 10/4/2023 to 16/4/2023.
Zděnek Kvítek: Řízení distribučních soustav
Teacher recommends to study from 17/4/2023 to 23/4/2023.
Dr. Vjačeslav Sochora - SHM, s.r.o.
Teacher recommends to study from 17/4/2023 to 23/4/2023.
Ing. Pavel Mareš, Ph.D. - HVM Plasma, spol. s r.o.
Teacher recommends to study from 1/5/2023 to 7/5/2023.
Akademie věd (ÚPT nebo ÚFM)?
Teacher recommends to study from 10/4/2023 to 16/4/2023.
Adam Obrusník: PlasmaSolve
Teacher recommends to study from 15/5/2023 to 21/5/2023.