Interactions of Medicines, People and Environment
doc. PharmDr. Ing. Radka Opatřilová, Ph.D., MBA
Interactions of Medicines, People and Environment
Exam information

It will be available online 
from December until the end of the exam period.

Course exam and exam dates

  • The exam dates will be announced via IS in the form of signing up for the date and the classic "exam".
  • You can log in to the exam at any time (really any time) via MS Form.
  • I will send a link to all registered students; you will have 48 hours to complete it.
  • The questions will be multiple choice, multiple correct answers, and open-ended, ten in total (they will be from the lectures) plus one creative.
  • After you fill it in correctly and enter submit, you do not have a set time to fill it in at any time, but I recommend 30 min. 
  • At 48 hours, I will evaluate all the answers and enter the mark into IS.

I am clearly aware that you have both lectures and the Internet at your disposal, so the correct answers should be not a question of your ability to learn a lot of information but of being able to use the information you find correctly to be able to search for it and to use it for your output. 


There will be one creative question in the test. In this question, I would like you to do an activity where you create your output 

- a presentation on a topic that interests you in relation to environmental medicines, 

or maybe a video with photos and commentary, 

or a coherent text (however long), 

or a set of interesting links related to the topic of environmental medicine, 

or anything you can think of that you can either upload to me if the size allows or give me a link where I can find your creative work (please make the output in a form that suits you. There is no limit to your imagination.  

(Have fun with it, don't worry, and don't swear. Take your time and a moment to think about your topic.).


You can also upload your files to my vault in IS MUNI

at the address

path: IS - files - vault - upload file

or search for my name - click on 

Assessment: 100% correct completion of all ten questions, no creative question - grade C 

 Assessment: 80% to 99% completion of the questions, without a creative question - grade D 

 Assessment: completion of 60 to 79% of the questions, without a creative question - grade E 

 Assessment: completion of questions, at 59% and below, with and without a creative question - F 

 assessment: completion of questions, 80 to 99%, with creative questions - grade B 

 assessment: completion of all questions, 100%, with a creative question - grade A 


It is clear that the creative question is optional, but I would like you to give it some attention and at least feel "good" about your output.
