Seminář VII
prof. PhDr. Jaroslav Malina, DrSc.
Seminář VII
autumn 2021

Antropologický seminář probíhá formou prezenční v posluchárně BP1 vždy ve čtvrtek od 15 hodin, nebo formou on-line ve stejném čase pomocí schůzky v MS Teams (formu semináře každého týdne najdete v Sylabu semináře). V případě on-line formy si pod níže uvedeným odkazem otevřete tým Semináře a připojte se k probíhající schůzce.  

Odkaz na MS Teams Semináře:

Sylabus semináře 

Teacher recommends to study from 13/9/2021 to 19/9/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 20/9/2021 to 26/9/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 27/9/2021 to 3/10/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 4/10/2021 to 10/10/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 11/10/2021 to 17/10/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 18/10/2021 to 24/10/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 25/10/2021 to 31/10/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 1/11/2021 to 7/11/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 8/11/2021 to 14/11/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 15/11/2021 to 21/11/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 22/11/2021 to 28/11/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 29/11/2021 to 5/12/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 6/12/2021 to 12/12/2021.
Teacher recommends to study from 13/12/2021 to 19/12/2021.