Video se zpětnou vazbou
Mgr. Marek Stehlík
Video se zpětnou vazbou

  1. Introduction, greeting the audience
  2. keep better eye-contact; do NOT turn back when greeting the audience
  3. I would like to apply to the job you offerFOR the job you're offering
  4. Information about the job posting and about where the advertisement found
  5. Information about you / the applicant
  6. do NOT read from the board, do NOT turn back when introducing yourself, try to keep good eye-contact with the audience
  7. I am educatedI graduated (completed my course) in social education
  8. you offer the free jobyou're offering this job
  9. after this finishafter (upon) completion of my course
  10. I wanted to situate hereI'd like to set up there
  11. improve the pronunciation of [career]
  12. information about your education and qualifications
  13. job which you are offerthat you're offering
  14. I educate myselfI completed a course (I studied) in Odensee
  15. course which I attendcourse I attended
  16. course was taught in English – improve the pronunciation of [was taught]
  17. good information about your work experience
  18. about my work experience and other experiencesabout my previous work and work experience
  19. professional expression - the people live there twenty-four seven (=all the time)
  20. experiencesexperience with canis therapy (dog assisted therapy)
  21. I can use a lots of theses experiencesI can make use of this experience
  22. feel free to let me innovate your organization and the work here - not tactful enough or appropriate to say that at a job interview
  23. additional information about yourself (giving the answer why you're a better candidate than the others)
  24. restating your motivation (why you're applying for the job)
  25. willingness to learn new information and upgrade your qualification
  26. I was search informationI've found a particular piece of information about your organization
  27. you can take free to give me extra questionsfeel free to ask me additional questions
  28. good ending with a smile (upon dropping the presenting device)