English for Biology II

WEEK 13: Mock Exam - Speaking

The oral exam will take about 10 minutes. During the first three minutes you will speak on your own about one of these following topics. Then a conversation about your studies, plans for the future, interests will follow.

  1. Define two terms from your field of study and support them with relevant examples (DNA data storage, patient zero, herd immunity, malnutrition, drugs, opioid crisis, laboratory equipment, ...)
  2. Present a (controversial) problem related to your field of study. (Artificial intelligence, robots in medicine, herd immunity, patient zero, climate change, abortion, euthanasia, or you can use your final essay, ...)
  3. Describe and explain a process / notion / experiment within your field of study. (use your presentation from the last semester or describe a process - photosynthesis, digestion, DNA extraction, ...)
  4. Compare and contrast phenomena from your field of study (Bacteria vs viruses, plant cell x animal cell, depressants x opiods ...)
  5. Classify systems in your field of study (Body organs, drugs, cells, liing organisms, ...)
  6. Describe a cause and effect relationship from your field of study (Malnutrition, climate change, ...)
  7. Speculate on an issue from your field of study ( What would a world without bees/insects look like? What would a world without humans look like? ...)
I put into brackets some suggested topics, but you can speak about ANYTHING you want