Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games

Pathfinding extensions. Decision trees, state machines

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
  1. What is hierarchical pathfinding? How does it work?
  2. How do you compute the distance between clusters using minimum distance? Discuss it for the example.
  3. How do you compute the distance between clusters using maximin distance? Discuss it for the example.
  4. How do you compute the distance between clusters using average minimum distance? Discuss it for the example.
  5. What is the instance graph?
  6. What does it mean open goal pathfinding? Discuss approaches to solve it.
  7. What is the interest in dynamic pathfinding? Discuss its solution approaches.
  8. Explain iterative deepening A* and its properties.
  9. Explain simplified memory -bounded A* and its properties.
  10. What are the ideas behind interruptible pathfinding?
  11. Why pool of planners is needed?
  12. Explain vehicle pathfinding as an example of continuous time pathfinding. What graph representation is behind it? How is such pathfinding processed?
  13. What is movement planning, and why is it used? Explain the graph representation behind it
  14. Describe an example with the walking bipedal character.
  15. What's going on in decision making? Can you give some examples?
  16. What is the decision tree? How do you work with it?
  17. How do you combine decisions using decision trees? 
  18. Discuss binary and non-binary decision trees.
  19. Why and how do we use random decision trees?
  20.  Describe the basic state machine using the example. Discuss properties of state machines.
  21. Why are hierarchical state machines helpful? Can you also explain it on the example from the slides?