Statistics for Computer Science


  • Attendance at the seminars is obligatory (two unexcused absences will be tolerated).
  • Only proper excuses will be accepted (uploaded into Information System on time).
  • Further unexcused absences will be penalized by a deduction of 10 points for each occurrence. 
  • All the students must be assigned to a seminar group.
  • There is one group for students who cannot bring their own laptops and 6 remaining groups for students with their own laptops.

 Due to public holidays and other activities, some seminars will be canceled, or substituted:

  • Friday, April 18th - canceled
  • Thursday, May 1st - canceled
  • Thursday, May 8th - will be substituted on Monday, May 19th
  • Wednesday, May 14th (MUNI day) - canceled

Due to these cancellations, different topics will be covered in different seminars during the same week at the end of the semester! This ensures that all seminar groups cover all 12 exercise topics by the end of the semester.

Required software

R is a statistical software available under the GNU GPL, with a very large community of users. The necessary software equipment is R and some GUI/IDE, e. g., RStudio.

Please install the R software and a suitable GUI/IDE, e. g., RStudio, already before the first seminar, so you can work during the first-week seminar.  Please, use R in version at least 4.4.1, preferably latest 4.4.2.

Source Code for all Platforms

R distribution for Mac OS X
Carefully read the installation instructions. Typically, you also need to install XQuartz support, i.e., under OS X.
R for some linux distributions
In many Linux distributions, R, and even RStudio, can be found in the repositories. Please, pay attention to the version of R, repositories are typically delayed and often contain old versions of R and libraries.

For comfortable work with R, script editing, etc., it is very convenient to install some of the GUI/IDEs for R. We suggest to use the RStudio Desktop Open Source Edition which is available for free under the AGPL v3 license.