Seminar groups - Eva Punčochářová
Unit 12
SK 9 Homework for 7 April 2009
- Future - study the second theory page + do the exercises on the last page.
- Handout form the lesson (see below) - for those missing, we did Future 2, 3, 4. For all of you - HW Future 1
- Print and bring Time clauses (see Grammar section)
SK 15 Homework for 9 April 2009
- Grammar Future - do the exercises on the last page + Future 1 on the handout I gave you in the lesson
- Print and bring Time clauses (see Grammar)
SK 9 Homework for 14 April 2009
- Time clauses - study the theory (again) and do the following exercises: 9.1-9.3; 116.1-116.3;94.1-94.2
- p. 106/Language check + Practtice
- p.108/Dilemma/Brief
SK 15 Homework for 16 April 2009
- Those missing in the last lesson, study Time clauses and all of you do all the exercises on the grammmar handouts.
- Complete exercise 5 on the Future handout.
- p. 108/Dilemma/Brief