Seminar groups - Eva Punčochářová

Unit 12

SK 9 Homework for 7 April 2009

  1. Future - study the second theory page + do the exercises on the last page.
  2. Handout form the lesson (see below) - for those missing, we did Future 2, 3, 4. For all of you - HW Future 1
  3. Print and bring Time clauses (see Grammar section)

SK 15 Homework for 9 April 2009

  1. Grammar Future - do the exercises on the last page + Future 1 on the handout I gave you in the lesson
  2. Print and bring  Time clauses (see Grammar)

SK 9  Homework for 14 April 2009

  1. Time clauses - study the theory (again) and do the following exercises: 9.1-9.3; 116.1-116.3;94.1-94.2
  2. p. 106/Language check + Practtice
  3. p.108/Dilemma/Brief

SK 15 Homework for 16 April 2009

  1. Those missing in the last lesson, study Time clauses and all of you do all the exercises on the grammmar handouts.
  2. Complete exercise 5 on the Future handout.
  3. p. 108/Dilemma/Brief