Security Analysis
Relative Valuation
1. Introduction to Market-Based Valuation
- Definition of market-based valuation.
- Importance of price and enterprise value multiples.
2. Valuation Indicators
- Types of valuation multiples:
- Price Multiples.
- Enterprise Value (EV) Multiples.
3. Methods for Valuation Multiples
- Method of Comparables
- Economic rationale: The law of one price.
- Method Based on Forecasted Fundamentals
- Reflecting firm fundamentals and future cash flows.
- Justified Price Multiples
- Determined using comparables or fundamentals.
4. Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Multiples
- Rationales:
- EPS as a driver of value.
- Widely used and related to stock returns.
- Drawbacks:
- Issues with zero/negative earnings.
- Distortion from transitory earnings or management discretion.
- Types of P/E Ratios:
- Trailing P/E.
- Forward P/E.
5. Calculating Forward P/E
- EPS for the next four quarters, NTM, or fiscal year.
- Examples provided for specific scenarios.
6. Issues in Calculating EPS
- EPS dilution.
- Adjustments for underlying earnings and normalization.
- Differences in accounting methods.
7. Normalized Earnings
- Methods:
- Historical average EPS.
- Average ROE method.
8. Justified P/E from Fundamentals
- Formulas for forward and trailing P/E based on fundamentals.
- Examples with regression-based predictions.
9. Price-to-Book Value (P/B) Multiple
- Rationales:
- Book value positivity and stability.
- Suitability for specific industries or firms.
- Formula for justified P/B.
10. Price-to-Sales (P/S) Multiple
- Rationales:
- Stability and applicability to non-earning firms.
- Formula and examples.
11. Enterprise Value (EV) Multiples
- Definition of EV and key multiples:
- Issues and cross-country comparisons:
- Differences under US GAAP vs. IFRS.
- Impact of inflation on justified multiples.
12. Inverse Price Ratios
- Concept and practical use in valuation.