Fyzioterapie Czech language for foreigners II
Týden 3: LESSON 6/3: Conversation: Kdy to bylo? Grammar: Time expressions. Verbs ZNÁT a VĚDĚT.
Class activities
1) Revision of question words/questions
2) Practice: the locative singular
- class book p. 53 Listening
ex. 6, 7 + 8
- work book p. 69/26 Kde jsou? (work with the pictures)
- revise the locative Link
3) class book p. 54 Time expressions - Kdy to bylo? (ex. 1)
- Use a gray box and reorder the sentences, start with 1.
- Practice: class book p. 54/3 + work book p. 72/39
4) The verbs ZNÁT, VĚDĚT, UMĚT
- class book p. 55: observe a gray box
- practice p. 55/4
Study for the test 1
Revise with the ex. in work book:
p. 65/11, p.66/17 + 18, p. 71/19. (the past tense)
p. 69/28 + p. 70/34 (the locative + prepositions)
p. 72/42 + 43 (znát, vědět, umět)
Upload into homework vaults before your lesson in week 4.
Write a short text about your last weekend. Use the past tense and the locative case. You can also use time expressions you find in Textbook (page 54, grey box). "Kde jsi byl/a a co jsi tam dělal/a?" (10 sentences minimum). Use a different verb in each sentence.