Research Methods and Tools

5. Two topics: 1) Variable measurement. 2) How to write a thesis? 11. 10. 2021

This week, we will look at two topics. First, we will look at the issue of measurement. How are variables measured? This is important because if you want to learn empirical things about this world, you have to measure the world first. It is, therefore,  essential to understand the basics of variable measurement.

In the second part of this week's class, we will look at how to write a BA thesis. What does a thesis look like? How should I find a topic? When should I begin to think about my topic? How to find my thesis advisor? And how does one write?

Required readings:

Sections 5.2-5.6. from chapter 5 in Kellstedt P. and Whitten G. 2013. The Fundamentals of Political Science Research. 2nd edition. 

Read through the following article and notice how definitions of concepts matter. What does this article tell us about the importance of conceptualization? Download the article through access through the library. When asked on the journal web page to log in, choose a login via institutional access (here is how to do this:

Deiwiks C, Cederman L-E, Gleditsch KS. Inequality and conflict in federations. Journal of Peace Research. 2012;49(2):289-304. doi:10.1177/0022343311431754

Carefully read about the process of writing a thesis in the IREP program. Also read carefully through the descriptions of different thesis types. Also have a look at the thesis evaluation criteria.

Examine instructors' areas of expertise here:

Read pages 1-10 and 223-228 from Belcher W.L., 2009. Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks. New York: Princeton University Press. You might already be familiar with this reading. However, it helps to read it again. After a year of studying, you are likely to have a different perspective on the reading.


Do the homework before this week's class. Insert your answers in the ROPOT application (the link is below) and also bring your answers to the class.

As homework assignment this week, do the exercises in the following document: