Writing Composition

Week 5 – Compare and Contrast (deadline: October 23)

When comparing, you explain what two things have in common. When contrasting, you explain the difference between two things. A compare and contrast essay analyzes two or more subjects by comparing them, contrasting them, or both.

Some transitions that express comparison and contrast:

in the same way, by the same token, similarly, in similar fashion, whereas, yet, on the other hand, however, on the contrary, by comparison, compared to, although, in contrast, conversely

Peer assessment of writing task 5 (2 points)

If you have submitted the writing task for this session, you can assess someone else’s writing. Go to Writing task 5, choose one essay, read it (at least twice) and provide feedback as a reply to a particular forum entry. Please choose a contribution that hasn't been assessed by anyone else yet (if possible). Here are some criteria you can take into consideration:

  • Does the text meet all the requirements (1 introductory paragraph, 1 - 3 body paragraphs, 1 concluding paragraph)?
  • Do the paragraphs meet the requirements? (Do they have a topic sentence? Is the text coherent? = Are the transitions between paragraph logical and smooth?)
  • Does the essay have an outcome? (argument/conclusion coming from the comparison)
  • Are there transitional words or phrases to help the reader understand the text?
  • Is the language/style used appropriate?
  • If there are quotations or paraphrasing in the essay, are these properly cited and referenced?
  • Is the paragraph revised so as to correct grammatical, spelling and punctuation mistakes? 
  • Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

To get points for the feedback, you need to write at least 5 sentences.  

Comments on writing task 5

1) paragraph length

In academic writing, paragraphs are longer: they typically start with a topic sentence and the rest of the paragraph discusses the main idea of a topic sentence, using facts, examples, arguments and other types of information. Thus a paragraph cannot consist of one sentence only. This is true also about the introductory and concluding paragraphs. 

2) too vague statements

Avoid sentences/ phrases that are too vague or trivial such as:

In conclusion, online and contact classes have both their benefits and flaws. 

3) Different academic writing type

Some of you did not write a compare and contrast essay: You wrote two body paragraphs, one dealing with - for example - contact classes, the other with online classes. Thus you wrote two definitions but you did not compare the topics. 

Also, some of you announced the two topics you are going to compare but in body paragraphs you dealt mainly with one topic, discussing its advantages and disadvantages. This is a different type of academic writing too, an advantages and disadvantages essay.

4) Some examples from your writing:

As quite a lot of you wrote only one sentence introduction, I’m providing some good examples from your texts:

Topic: Online classes vs contact classes.

Nowadays, due to the development of new technologies, we have many new opportunities, and one of them is studying online. After two years of the worldwide pandemic, when all of us had to stay at home during lockdowns, it has proven to be an effective way of receiving education. What is more, even though now we can attend face-to-face classes again, some people are willing to switch to online studying completely, considering it much better than direct education, while others strongly disagree.

Mariia Kurash

Topic: Online classes vs contact classes.

The Covid-19 virus has affected the society in many aspects. Not only did the pandemic, followed by many national lockdowns, affected us in the health and mental aspect of our lives; students all around the world had to adapt to a new way of teaching schools had to establish. In the following paragraph I will be comparing aspects of online and contact classes, mainly the impacts they had on the attending students.

Veronika Čevelová

Here are some examples of good topic sentences as far as content is concerned:

Topic: School uniforms vs regular clothes

The main benefit of wearing school uniforms is that it could reduce bullying. 

Another notable benefit of wearing school uniforms is that it ensures school’s safety. 

Yumi Grace Okereke

Topic: The differences between Chinese teaching method and Czech in language studying

On the one hand, these two teaching methods are different in the study of pronunciation and vocabulary. 

On the other hand, the methods for oral practice are also different. 

Xuechun Hao

Topic: The positives and negatives of online and contact classes

The first major difference between online and contact classes is the amount of social interaction. 

Another significant difference lies in the ability to practice new skills and apply newly gained knowledge in seminars.

Lastly, a difference worth mentioning is comfort and availability. 

Tomáš Boček