Essay on Treadmills of Production and Consumption
Essay on Treadmills of Production and Consumption
Due March 24
For this assignment you have a choice of three topics. Choose ONE of the following topics and write a 1000-1500 word essay in response. You should follow the essay-writing guidelines explained in the “Writing Resources” section of the Interactive Syllabus. The essay is due by 23.59 on March 24. Submit your essay by uploading it to the IS. Essays that are late will receive reduced grades. Essays that refer to course materials (such as the textbook, lectures, videos, and literature) will receive higher grades.
1) Investigate the social impacts of global warming: Giddens says that the potential consequences of global warming include rising sea levels, desertification, the spread of disease, poor harvests, changed climate patterns, and geopolitical instability. Research these possible impacts and describe how they could affect your country. From a theoretical perspective, what are the causes of global climate change and what is your country’s responsibility (and your responsibility as an individual) to solve the problem?
2) Your eco-footprint: We have been learning about the Sociology of Consumption and the environmental impacts that can result from individual and collective consumption patterns. Read the chapter by the Union of Concerned Scientists and watch the video interview with Wackernagel, in which he explains the "ecological footprint" concept. Then use the links provided in the IS to online calculators to measure your own ecological footprint. You should use at least two different calculators. Then write an essay about your ecological footprint, answering the following questions:
a) What is your ecological footprint?
b) What are the main factors of your behavior that determine your ecological footprint?
c) Has calculating your ecological footprint given you new knowledge about how your behavior impacts the environment?
d) From a theoretical perspective, what are the barriers or opportunities for you as an individual changing your lifestyle to be more ecologically friendly?
Eco-footprint calculators
3) Investigate your food: Go to a local food store. Look for any organic or fair trade labels you see on products there, and answer the following questions:
a) What is the name of the store and its address?
b) Are there any organic or fair trade items at the store? If yes, give examples of the food items, the labels, and the prices that you saw.
c) Compare the prices of the organic or fair trade products with the same conventional products. Do organic or fair trade food products cost more than conventional food products? Why?
d) If there are not any organic or fair trade items in the store, why not? (You may have to contact the store management to get this information.)
e) From a theoretical perspective, why do you think the store does or does not offer organic or fair trade products?
You may upload your essay to IS below: