Introduction and up-to-date information
Dear students,
this interactive syllabus will help us cope with the emergency situation during the study leave as far as our course International Organizations and Diplomacy is concerned.
The interactive syllabus will be gradually updated with regard to existing circumstances.
Here is a summary of the most important information (as of June 17):
- As you already know, sadly, there will be no contact teaching till the end of the semester. Nevertheless, we will continue with non-contact teaching on a regular basis, so that you have a chance to successfully complete the course and get your credits.
- We will
follow the topics as outlined in the syllabus of the course. We will
regularly provide you with narrated presentations and hand-outs instead of contact teaching
(see Study Materials in the IS).
- Session 9 (April 22) will be taught live via Zoom. Please click on the session in the interactive syllabus for more information.
- Please keep up with the assigned (and recommended, if interested) reading according to the syllabus of the course (see Study Materials in the IS).
- Please work on your seminar papers (in pairs) so that you are not too busy at the end of the semester. You can find the topics in the Topic Lists application in the IS. Detailed instructions for the papers are available in the syllabus. Unfortunately, it is not possible to enter the library, however, there is a rich list of e-resources - please check here: The deadline for submission of seminar papers is May 31. After this date, we are going to evaluate all seminar papers at once.
- We have decided to CANCEL the reading quiz. The points from the reading quiz will be added to the final written exam (50 points --> 55 points).
- You can find Ambassador Hlavsova's narrated presentations and related materials about diplomacy in the Study Materials in the IS. Please pay attention to the guidelines for the diplomatic output that are also attached. You are supposed to submit (in small groups) the diplomatic output by May 31. After this date, the diplomatic outputs will be evaluated by Ambassador Hlavsova. Should you have any questions concerning the content of Ambassador Hlavsova's presentations or the diplomatic output, please feel free to contact her at
- The final exam will take place in an online form during the exam period. The exam period for Spring 2020 starts mid-May and ends at the end of September.
Our exam dates are: June 8, June 19, June 30 and September
16, each from 14:00 CET. Please register for the preferred exam date in the IS as per usual.
- The exam will be composed of a mix of 5 multiple-choice questions (2 points per question) and 5 open questions (9 points per question) based on Powerpoint presentations, hand-outs, required readings and the live Zoom session. A minimum of 35 points is needed to pass the exam.
- Grading scale:
100 - 95 points = A
94 - 88 points = B
87 - 77 points = C
76 - 68 points = D
67 - 60 points = E
less than 60 points = F = failed
May 31 | Deadline for submission of seminar papers |
May 31 | Deadline for submission of diplomatic outputs |
June 8 | Final Exam |
June 19 | Final Exam |
June 30 | Final Exam |
September 16 | Final Exam |
- Should you have any questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us: Jana Urbanovska ( and Maya Hadar ( Should you have any questions concerning the content of Ambassador Hlavsova's presentations or the diplomatic output, please feel free to contact her at
Stay safe!
Wishing you all the best,
Jana & Maya