Angličtina pro fyziky III

15. Extra practice

No online class in week XIII. Do the credit test instead - follow this procedure:

1.Revise materials we have discussed in class. You can use Quizlet for vocabulary revision:

2.Open the word document:

3.Complete the tasks and upload the word document into odevzdávárna by 15 January. (60% correctness needed);obdobi=7984;predmet=1309835

Credit test autumn 2019 

4. Kindly complete the course questionnaire by 31 January. 

Credit test outline:
1. listening 
2. forming questions 
3. sentence transformations 
4. transition phrases (linking words)
5. vocabulary gap-fill 
6. word formation 
7. reading, finding synonyms 
8. reading, answering questions
9. free answers to questions