Sociální gerontologie: koncepty a kontroverze PS2022
Kulturní gerontologie II. Spiritualita/Kreativita
Senioři a symbolický prostor: objekt, subjekt, konzument Klíčová slova: kreativita, spiritualita, média, film, tvůrci, konzumenti, objekt zobrazování, percepce mediálního obsahu, |
Bazzini. et al. 1997. The aging woman in popular film: Underrpresented, unattractive, unfriendly and uninteligent. Sex Roles 36(7/8):531-543. Lindauer M., Orwoll, L., Kelley, C. Aging Artists on the Creativity of their Old Age. Creativity Research Journal 1997, Vol. 10 (2): 133-152; Dalby, P. 2006. „Is there a process of spiritual change or development associated with ageing? A critical review of research.“ Aging and Mental Health 10(1): 4-12. Rozšiřující literatura: Ahmadi Lewin, F. (2001). Gerotranscendence and different cultural settings. Ageing & Society, 21(04), 395–415. Wilkinson, P., Coleman, P. 2010. „Strong beliefs and coping in old age: a case-based comparison of atheism and religious faith.“ Ageing And Society 30: 337-361. Small, H. Assisted Living: Acting Naturally in Room 335 ( Reynolds, F., Vivat, B., & Prior, S. (2011). Visual art-making as a resource for living positively with arthritis: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of older women’s accounts. Journal of Aging Studies, 25(3), 328–337. Robinson, Skill, Turner, Media Usage Patterns and Portrayals of Seniors. Pp. 424-446 In: Handbook of communication and aging research (Nussbaum, Cupland eds.) Horning, S. et al. 2011. „Atheistic, agnostic, and religious older adults on well-being and coping behaviors. Journal of Aging Studies 25: 177-188 (v ISu) |
Rozšiřující literatura:
Seeley, W. W., Matthews, B. R., Crawford,
R. K., Gorno-Tempini, M. L., Foti, D., Mackenzie, I. R., & Miller,
B. L. (2008). Unravelling Boléro: progressive aphasia, transmodal
creativity and the right posterior neocortex. Brain, 131(1), 39–49.
Mark Brown's presentation:"The challenge of Digital Equity - an age-inclusive approach"
(přednáška konaná v rámci DCU
Positive Ageing Week (4.10.2021)
(28 bez diskuse, celkem 40 min)
AI Ageism (J. Stypiňska):
Content Creation in Later Life: Reconsidering Older Adults' Digital Participation and Inclusion (