English for Geographers I

Week 1 Introduction

This course is aimed at students of geographical disciplines.

We will look at topics related to geography that will help you develop your receptive as well as productive communication skills. It means greater confindence in discipline-specific reading, listening, speaking and writing.

Lecturer: Mgr. Daniela Dlabolová, office hours any time arranged by email

Syllabus is sublect to alterations

The entry level is B1


1) presenting one topic form the reading file (explain and prepare an activity to check understanding)
2) a written summary of a science text (500-1500 words long) or a video (3-6 min long) - approximately 200 words
3) the mock exam test - online
4) a vocabulary collection or an alternative task of your personal choice 
5) the final test

Course policy
  • attending classes (2 absences are allowed)
  • active coursework and completing assignments
  • submitting original work and acknowledging your sources

Download or print out these documents for working in the class:

Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

HOMEWORK: handout 1: Tasks 4, 5 - reading + answering questions