English for Special Educators - B (2023)

Week 6 (Oct 23-26) - Speech and Language Disorders II

Do not forget to upload your electronic presentation to the homework vault BEFORE class.

Upload your recorded feedback to the folder for your seminar group. Make sure you include the name of the person you are giving feedback to in the name of the file. 

Ex.: review for černá jana

Academic Reading Circles

This week, you will meet with the other members of your reading circle to present your findings to one another. 

If you are not in a reading circle, check the tables under Week 5 in your group's lesson notes to join one.

Lesson Notes

Monday 9 am

Monday 2 pm

Tuesday 11 am

Wednesday 2 pm

Thursday 11 am

  • How did your opinion develop on the topic over the course of this reading circle? 
  • What part of your role did you find challenging? 
  • How would you rate your interest in this role? 
  • What advice would you give the next person who will work with this role?

