English Exam

Exam Instructions Fall 2022

General Information

The examination consists of two parts: a written part and an oral part. You need to pass the written part before taking the oral part.

The Written Test

The written test is composed of a Use of English test based on upper-intermediate grammar, IT vocabulary, listening, and a formal writing test (formal email). The test is written by hand and in person. The time limit for the entire written test is 90 minutes. If taken separately (see below), the time limit for the formal writing part is 30 minutes.

You must pass both parts of the written test in order to register for the oral part of the exam. 


Those who do not pass the formal email part of the written test need to resit only the formal email part on subsequent examination dates. Those who do not pass the Use of English part of the written test need to pass the whole written test again (including the email part).

Students with language certificates:

Students can be exempt from the Use of English part of the written exam (but they still need to take the formal email in the writing part) if they have the following certificates (not older than four years): Cambridge English: First (previously FCE), Advanced (previously CAE), Proficiency (previously CPE); IELTS band score 5.5/6.5 or higher; TOEFL iBT Total score 87 or higher. Secondary school exams (i.e. maturita) are not accepted. Students must submit their certificate to CJV FI head one month prior to the start of the exam period in which they wish to take VB001. The formal email is compulsory for all students and is based on the instructions on writing formal emails that are part of the English I curriculum.

The Oral Examination

The oral examination takes place in person and consists of two parts: a five-minute presentation with visuals on an IT-related topic delivered in front of an audience and a follow-up discussion based on one of the presentations. To facilitate the discussion, students need to print out a handout to complement their presentations. The handout should be in the FI unified style (see https://sablony.muni.cz/fakulty/fakulta-informatiky/merkantilni-tiskoviny/jednoduchy-univerzalni-dokument/cesky) and contain the goal of the presentation, key points/key ideas, the source used, and at least three questions for discussion; in order to pass the discussion part successfully, students must actively participate in the discussion (this includes turn-taking, negotiating, agreeing and disagreeing using relevant and appropriate language. The whole group is also rewarded a point if they reach a conclusion).  For more information on formal writing, giving presentations in English, and other useful tips, please visit the Useful Resources section.

You must enroll in the oral exam of the examiner who graded your Written Part or Formal Email! (You will be able to tell by looking at the name of the Notebook -- "Poznámkový blok" -- containing your score for the test/ email).

The level of the exam is B2 of the Common European Framework (Upper Intermediate) EAP (English for Academic Purposes) and ESP (English for Specific Purposes).

Final assessment

A 92–100
B 84–91
C 76–83
D 68–75
E 60–67

Grading of students with certificates:

If you have a B2 level certificate, your certificate grade will result in the following number of points for the written part:

Number of points for the written part


If you submit the Certificate in Advanced English of a C1 level, you might achieve a higher grade.

For more in-depth information about each of the parts, please visit the corresponding sections in the Interactive Syllabus.