Lecture sylabus PV260

Final colloquium event

When: 31. 5. 2023 at 10:00-12:00 for the colloquium event, and three regular (31. 5. at 13:05-13:55, 31. 5. at 15:05-15:55 and 7. 6. at 10:05-10:55) and one reparation option (15. 6. at 15:05-15:55) for the test.


Evaluation of the course

  • 45 points for seminar assignments
    All the assignments need to be at least submitted, otherwise, the student cannot attend the final colloquium event and write the test.
  • 10 seminar activity points
  • 10 lecture activity points
  • 35 points for the final colloquium assessment, consisting of obligatory attendance at the final colloquium event and the final written test
  • Minimum of 70 points for passing the course 

Content of the Colloquim event

  • On May 31, 2023, between 10:00-12:00
  • Discussion groups facilitated by experts on the topic (mostly from industry)
  • Student presentations of outcomes
  • Written test (after the break or a week later)

Discussions in groups

Instructions to this

  • Join the Zoom link 10 minutes in advance, if possible, to get all set up (microphone and camera needed)
  • Rename yourself by putting the discussion group id first and your full name second, e.g., "A8 Barbora Buhnova"
  • Mark your attendance with "yes" in the allocation document, "Allocation of students to groups" sheet, after joining the Zoom
  • For the discussion, you will be moved to breakout rooms, there, feel free to use Czech/Slovak/English depending on the participants
  • In the allocation document, "Links for the groups" sheet, find the link to google slides presentation that your group will use to record the insights from the discussion
  • The final presentation shall have 1 slide/student to be presented in max. 1 minute/student (e.g. 6 students in the group -> 6minute presentation with 1 slide/student, 1 minute/student)
  • The first slide of the presentation states the topic of discussion to which each student shall present one insight. The goal is to present something insightful, interesting, possibly controversial. Do not settle for repeating elementary knowledge on the topic. Find as much interesting insight as you can. The discussion with others shall help you validate that your view is interesting and might be new for other students.
  • Use most of the time discussing and sharing the insights, question each other, improve the insights together. When stable, put the insights to the slides (one or two bullet points, keep it short).
  • During the discussion, use your knowledge, practical experience, microphone and camera. Avoid external material (finding information online, in slides).
  • Our expert moderators will be walking between rooms. The discussion shall be ongoing whether the moderators is in the room or not.
  • One student per group is highlighted in blue. Their responsibility is to kick start the discussion and keep it alive even if the expert moderator is not in the room.
  • Around 10:45 or 10:50, the breakout rooms close and you come back to the main room to start presenting. Presentations shall be in English.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to post them in the discussion forum:
