Seminární skupiny PJI1A/8, PJI1A/17, PJI1A/20, Jazyk I/1 - Lucie Fialová

HW 7 April

1) UNIT 11 - WB: p.46/1+2 - LISTENING  !!! (use the CD attached to your workbook). Sum up in writing the main points made regarding the Google services.

2) grammar: The future - see the "print off" doc and complete the exercise. For further practice of FUTURE PERFECT / PRESENT SIMPLE in time clauses - see GRAMMAR file.

3) UNIT 12: CB 101/read the keynotes and write down YOUR OWN definitions of the following: to switch to /alternative products/ = ..., competitive advantage = ..., product differentiation = ..., economies of scale = ...

4) CB 102/Reading 1+2 (underline your answers in the text)

5) CB 106/Time clauses - all exercises

6) WB 49/1 - underline the correct word/phrase

7) print off the doc for 7 April + complete TASK 1+2