Athens in Madrid: Reception of Athenian “Classical” Literature and Philosophy in Spanish Philosophy and Human Sciences in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Reading List and Bibliography

Compulsory: Sophocles Antigone (English translation). Bernard Manin (1997), Chapter 1: ‘Direct democracy and representation: selection of officials in Athens’, pp. 8-41.
The “Old Oligarch”: Pseudo-Xenophon’s Constitution of the Athenians. (Various translations.)

Non-compulsory: Passages from: Cartledge (2016), Hansen (1999), Brickhouse & Smith (2002), Carr (1980). Payne (1961).
If the student has knowledge of Spanish, optional (non-compulsory) passages from:  Adrados (1975), Tovar (1984), Zambrano (2015) and Orsi (2007).

Recommended Bibliography
Ancient Athens, Philosophy. Political Science:
Aristotle, Politics. [Different editions available.]
——. [Pseudo-Aristotle] The Constitution of the Athenians. [Different editions available.]
Azoulay, Vincent (2014). Pericles of Athens. Princeton & Oxford: Princeton University Press. [Orig. Périclès: La démocratie athènienne à l’épreuve du grand homme (2010).]

Bellón Aguilera, J. L. (2017). Anónimo o “Viejo Oligarca”: El sistema político de los atenienses. Estudio introductorio. Cronología. Glosario. Dos traducciones: literaria y literal-comentada. Sevilla: Editorial Doble J. 
 ——. (2017) “La democracia precaria. El sistema del sorteo de la democracia ateniense antigua en Francisco Rodríguez Adrados y Antonio Tovar Llorente”, Daimon. Revista internacional de filosofía, 72, 125-140.
Cartledge, P. (2016). Democracy: A Life [Kindle Android version]. Retrieved from [Paperback: 416 pages.]
Castoriadis, Cornelius (2004-2011). What Makes Greece, 1. From Homer to Heraclitus 2. What Makes Greece, 2. The City and Laws. Human Creation 3.
What Makes Greece, 3. Thucydides, Force and Right. Human Creation 4.
Hansen, Mogens Herman, The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes: Structure, Principles and Ideology. University of Oklahoma Press, 1999.
 ——. Was Athens a Democracy? Popular Rule, Liberty and Equality in Ancient and Modern Political Thought, Copenhagen, The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 1989.
Manin, Bernard (1995). Principes du gouvernement représentatif, Paris. (Engl.: (1997). The Principles of Representative Government. Cambridge University Press. Sp.: (1998) Los principios del gobierno representative, Madrid, Alianza.)
Nussbaum, Martha C. (2001). The Fragility of Goodness. Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy. Cambridge University Press. [Revised edition; 19861.]
Roberts, Jennifer Tolbert (1994). Athens on Trial. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Rodríguez Adrados, Francisco (1975). La democracia ateniense, Madrid, Alianza Editorial. [Quinta reimpresión, 1993; primera edic. 1966, Ediciones de la Revista de Occidente, como Ilustración y política en la Grecia clásica.]
History 20th Century
Hobsbawm, Eric (1995), The Age of Extremes. 1914-1991, London, Abacus.
Carr, Raymond (2000), Spain: A History, Oxford University Press.
Carr, Raymond (1980), Modern Spain, Oxford University Press. [Spanish Transl. España: de la Restauración a la democracia, 1875-1980. Barcelona, Ariel, 1983.]
Carr, Raymond and Fusi, Juan Pablo (1979), Spain - Dictatorship to Democracy, London: George Allen & Unwin.
Paul Preston (2012). The Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in Twentieth-Century Spain. London, UK: HarperCollins.
Paul Preston (2006). The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge. London, UK: Harper Perennial. 
Paul Preston (1999). ¡Comrades! Portraits from the Spanish Civil War. London, UK: HarperCollins.
Payne, Stanley G. (1961). Falange. A History of Spanish Fascism. Standford: Standford University Press.
Socrates (Trial of), Sophocles, Antigone
Brickhouse Thomas C. & Nicholas D. Smith (2002). The Trial and Execution of Socrates: Sources and Controversies. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
——. Brickhouse Thomas C. & Nicholas D. Smith (1989). Socrates on Trial. Oxford Clarendon Press.
Finley, Moses I. (2014). Socrates on Trial. New Word City eBook Publishers. [Orig.: Socrates and Athens. In: Finley, M. (1968): Aspects of Antiquity: Discoveries and Controversies. London, Chatto &Windus, pp. 58-72.]
Hansen, Mogens H. (1995). The Trial of Sokratesfrom the Athenian Point of View. Copenhagen: The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 71.
Ismard, Paulin (2013). L’Événement Socrate. Paris: Flammarion.
Orsi, Rocío (2007). El saber del error: Filosofía y tragedia en Sófocles. Madrid – México. Plaza y Valdés Editores.
Stone. I F. (1988). The Trial of Socrates. (Sp.: El juicio de Sócrates, Madrid, Mondadori, 1988.)
 Tovar, A. (1984). Vida de Sócrates, Madrid, Alianza Editorial. [Revista de Occidente, 19471.]
 Zambrano, María (2015). La tumba de Antígona (y otros textos sobre el personaje trágico). Madrid, Cátedra. Edición, notas e introducción (de 138 págs.) de Virginia Trueba Mira; 20121.