Úvod do PhD studia

Filling in a Travel Form: After the Trip

Again, check also the official guide: https://is.muni.cz/auth/do/fi/informace_pro_zamestnance/navody/E_cestaky-jak_na_ne.pdf

1. Go to inet (https://inet.muni.cz/app/cestaky/prehled) and select your DUVOD travel order.

2. Click "Fill in the travel information" ("Přejít na vyplnění údajů po cestě")

3. Fill in the trip report ("zpráva o cestě"). In general, the trip report should very briefly summarize the purpose and the outcome of the trip. For uniformity, this time just copy-paste the report below (adjust the gender in the Czech version where necessary). For project-funded business trip, there should be some fort of a dedication to the project: below, please insert the specific research project number corresponding to your name in this table.  (The project number is of the form MUNI/A/XXXX/2020, please do not confuse these with the order number).


Ve dnech 27.-29.9.2021 jsem vykonal tuzemskou zahraniční cestu. Jednalo se o aktivní účast na doktorandském setkání DUVOD pořádaném v Univerzitním centru Telč. V rámci setkání jsem byl informován o formálních náležitostech Ph.D. studia na FI MU jakožto i obecných aspektech a zvyklostech vědecké práce. Účast na setkání byla v souladu se záměrem projektu *INSERT PROJECT NUMBER HERE*. Mohu prohlásit, že cíl pracovní cesty byl splněn.



I undertook an inland business trip on September 27-29, 2021. The purpose of the trip was attendance of the DUVOD meeting of doctoral students. During the meeting, I was informed about the formal requirements of a Ph.D. study at FI MU and about general principles of scientific work. Attendance of the course was in accordance with the aims of the project *INSERT PROJECT NUMBER HERE*. The aims of the business trip were fulfilled. 


4. Tick the forms of transport you actually used (if trip started/ended in Telč, choose "other" and explain in the text field that the trip started and ended at the destination place, preceded and followed by a private-purpose trip).

5. "Spolucestující" ("fellow passangers"): only necessary to fill in if you shared a car with someone and you are putting the car trip into the travel form. For business trips abroad (which is not our case), it is often handy to fill this in also when you share a public mode of transport with a colleague, it makes it easier to sync the border crossing times.

6. Now fill in the "course of the trip" ("průběh cesty"). Since this was a domestic trip, a single "stage" is sufficient. Click "Add a new stage" ("založit novou etapu") and fill in the true start and end of the trip (should be consistent with your travel tickets). If the start and end of the trip are in Telč, this should be reflected, i.e. the start and end should not very much differ from 4pm Monday - 2pm Wednesday.

7. "Krácení stravného" ("cutting food expenses"): DO NOT tick anything here. You have paid/will pay for the meals costs yourself, so you are entitled to the full per diems.

8. "Seznam dokladů" ("list of receipts"). Add the list of all receipts for which you want to claim reimbursement, EXCEPT for restaurant receipts (these are supposed to be covered by per diems). For first-time DUVOD participants with travel orders, the accommodation was pre-paid by the faculty so you do not have to submit a receipt, So your "receipts" will typically be the trip tickets. E.g. if you have two bus tickets, one for "Brno -> Telč", one for "Telč -> Brno," then add two separate entries for "jízdné" ("fare"), in the description of each write e.g. "bus Brno -> Telč" ("bus Telč -> Brno," respectively), enter the printed price of your ticket, and choose "platil cestovatel" ("paid by the traveller").

9. Check again and submit to the accounting department using the green-tick button at the bottom.

10. After you submit the INET form, it is necessary to print out the accompanying form ("průvodka"), sign it, attach all the claimed receipts, and hand this over to the accounting department. All this should be done within 10 working days after return from the trip.

Hand the papers over to "pokladna FI" (Ms. Křivánková, building B, 5th floor) in their office hours. If you have trouble doing this in reasonable time (e.g. not staying in Brno due to COVID), please contact her regarding possible alternative arrangements. (Sending via post?) Note that the receipts should be numbered according to the "průvodka" list; smaller tickets and receipts should be glued to an A4 paper for a better archivability. Do not staple together.
