Introduction to Public Policies

Economic dimension of policy evaluation


  • ̶The essence of economic evaluation, history of project evaluation.
  • Inputs and outputs. Typology. Relevance for the use of specific evaluation methods. Evaluation criteriaeconomy, effectiveness, efficiency
  •  Single criterion methods (CMA, CEA, CUA, CBA)
  • CBA, basic principle and selected problems (valuation, discounting)
  • Ways to select the "best" project



Further readings:

Musgrave, R. A., & Musgrave, P. B. (1984). Public Finance in Theory and Practice. 1984. Public finance in theory and practice (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. New York: McGraw-Hill. chap.9
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
̶Robinson, R. (1993). Cost-benefit analysisBritish Medical Journal307(6909), 924-926.

̶Carson, R. T., & Hanemann, W. M. (2005). Contingent valuationHandbook of environmental economics2, 821-936.

̶Broughel, J. (2020). The Social Discount Rate: A Primer for PolicymakersMercatus Research Paper