MVZ471 Protests, Conflict and Regional Security in the Post-Soviet Space

Week 4_Frozen conflicts and regional security






Oct. 19










Frozen Conflicts and Regional Security




Hale, H., 2000. “Parade of Sovereignties; Testing theories of secession in the Soviet setting,” British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 30, pp. 31-56.

Hughes, J., and Sasse, G., 2001. “Comparing Regional and Ethnic Conflicts in Post-Soviet Transition States,” Regional & Federal Studies, Vol. 11(3), pp. 1-35.



Koinova, M., 2011. “Diasporas and Secessionist Conflicts: the Mobilization of the Armenian, Albanian and Chechen Diasporas,” Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 34 (2), pp. 333-356.

Presentation 2

Name:  Andrea Galicová


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