Seminar in microeconomics

Rules of the course Seminar in microeconomics

Schedule of topics

  1. First Seminar - Review of Mathematics (no points) 
  2. Budget Constraint, Preferences and Utility 
  3. Choice and Revealed Preferences 
  4. Demand and Slutsky Equation 
  5. Consumer's Surplus, Market Demand and Equilibrium 
  6. Uncertainty 
  7. Technology and profit maximization + first test 
  8. Cost minimization and cost functions 
  9. Firm Supply and Industry Supply 
  10. Monopoly and Monopoly Behavior 
  11. Oligopoly and game theory 
  12. Cartel and Asymmetric Information 
  13. Exchange and Production + second test 

Study materials

In the seminars we will use the text by Theodor Bergstrom a Hal Varian Workouts in Intermediate Microeconomics, W. W. Norton & Company. You will find the relevant chapters of the text in the other part of the syllabus.

Evaluation of seminars

For passing the course (there is no grade, only a credit), you need to have 60 points out of the maximum score 108 points. You may earn up to 60 points from the two tests and 48 points for the work in seminars. If your total number of points is less than 60 at the end of the semester, you may resit one of the tests. In the final evaluation, the points from the resit will be counted instead of the points from the chosen test.


There will be two tests with 6 questions for a total of 30 points each. Problems in the test will be similar to the problems solved during the seminars. The first test takes place in the 7th week and covers topics from week 2 through 6. The second test is written in the 13th week and covers topics from week 7 through 12  (see schedule of topics). If you miss the test in the scheduled date and have a document from the MD in the information system, you can write the test on a later date.

Any copying, recording or leaking tests, use of unauthorized tools, aids and communication devices, or other disruptions of objectivity of credit tests will be considered non-compliance with the conditions for course completion as well as a severe violation of the study rules. Consequently, the teacher will finish the credit test. You receive 0 points and lose any chance to earn any points from the test.

Work in seminars

Any seminar, with the exception of the first seminar, in which no points can be earned, contains obligatory problems and +1 point problems. If you are present in the entire seminar, you may earn up to 4 points: 3 points for your preparation and 1 point for your activity during the seminar:

  • The preparation is tested in the following manner. In every seminar, you may be asked once to solve an obligatory problem (or a part of it). If you solve the problem satisfactorily, and you are able to explain the your approach, you earn 3 points. If the performance is lacking, you earn less than 3 points. If you are asked and refuse to solve the problem, you get 0 points. If in the course of the seminar you are not asked to solve any obligatory problem, we will assume that you were ready and receive 3 points (given you are present during the entire seminar). 
  • You may earn additional point for activity when the +1 point problems are solved during the seminar.

If you miss a seminar for any reason, you earn 0 points for the seminar. The points can be partly compensated only in the case of a substantial absence (which is well documented in the IS).