Seminar 1 - Presentations
Gramatika: Slovesa, předložkové vazby se slovesy.
Slovní zásoba: Slovní spojení a fráze používané při prezentacích.
Jazykové funkce a dovednosti: Prezentace. Kladení a zodpovídání otázek. Společenská komunikace (pozdravy, představování).
In the seminar “Presentations” you will focus on developing and refining the practical aspects of giving academic presentations. There is an overview of main points for the effective preparation and successful delivery of a presentation. The practical activities are comprised of listening and lexical exercises that will refresh some useful vocabulary, help you to avoid some of the most common language mistakes, and show you how to effectively prioritize in the presentation preparation process. The table below shows a brief overview of the grammar, vocabulary, language functions and skills covered.
Grammar: Verb forms, adverbial prepositions
Vocabulary: Presentation expressions and collocations
Language functions and skills: Presentations; forming and responding to questions; social language skills (greetings and introductions)