WEEK II Presenting a problem and primes
HW for week II – Think about the topic of your presentation, its structure and aim. Be ready to talk for about 2 mins about your choice (motivation, structure, relevance, and type of task).
Reading - task 5.3 plus exam practice from week I
HW for week III task 6 - translate the text into English and task 7 - read the text and answer Qs.
Mersennovo prvočíslo je prvočíslo, které je o jedna menší
než nějaká celočíselná mocnina dvojky. Mersennovo prvočíslo M tak má tvar M = 2z
− 1, kde z je libovolné přirozené
číslo. Příkladem může být prvočíslo 3, protože platí 22 − 1 =
Un primo de Mersenne es un número primo que es uno menos que alguna potencia entera de dos. Por tanto, el número primo de Mersenne M tiene la forma M = 2z − 1, donde z es cualquier número natural. Un ejemplo sería el número primo 3, porque 22 − 1 = 3 se cumple.
HW week 3 – Prepare a monologue for the JA001 (B1) exam for the topic 2 – Present (explain) a problem related to your field of study.
Concentrate mainly on two requirements:
The monologue is clearly structured into an introduction, main body, and a conclusion.
The monologue unfolds logically from one point to another and is effectively connected with appropriate signalling language.