JA002 Pokročilá odborná angličtina - zkouška

Academic Discussion

This part of the exam follows the "Mini-Conference". In the same group of students, you will be given a prompt with a question and several suggestions how to deal with the problem. Your task is to discuss the prompt and ask your speaking partners for their opinion. This part of the exam assesses your ability to interact in English. 

Example of a prompt


You will have 1-2 minutes to read the prompt and think about the question and solutions. You are then expected to interact with your speaking partners, which means, for example:

  • following what others are saying;
  • initiating a turn;  
  • politely responding to their comments; 
  • asking for other students' opinions;
  • evaluating the proposals of others;
  • speculating about proposals;
  • weighing advantages and disadvantages;
  • supporting your opinion;
  • agreeing and disagreeing;
  • summarising the outcomes of the discussion;
  • etc.

The discussion will not last for more than 10 minutes.
