Seminární skupiny Jiřiny Hrbáčkové



Your seminar work for this term consists in giving a presentation of a pressing topic that you will choose out of shortlisted topics - see below.
This will be done as pairwork in the seminar lessons of 13 and 20 April 2011.
  • Prepare a seriously minded 8-10 minute power point presentation dealing with the topic you will have signed up for in one of the first lessons.
  • You are expected to find out and learn about the topic on your own. This can be done in a number of ways - explore the Internet, professional literature, read daily press etc. You will introduce the topic and then tell us about the specific issues that the topic is characteristic of or that you find interesting. Both presenters are expected to equally participate in presenting the topic. 
  • The presentation must include all particulars of a presentation. Try to make use of experience of the presentations in the previous semester and avoid making the same mistakes.
  • You are not allowed to read the presentation, but you can use the aid of your visual material to help you remember important data and numbers.
  • Be ready to answer questions of your colleagues at the end of the presentation. Invite questions yourself.
  • A laptop and a data projector will be installed in the classroom before the beginning of the lesson. All you need to bring is a flash disc with the PPP presentation and handouts for your colleagues, if necessary.
  • To help you remember how to present, read again the files below dealing with ways of giving presentations.