Seminární skupiny Jiřiny Hrbáčkové



  • revise vocabulary of banking from the textbook and the first two exercises of U14 Handout
  • do ex.1 and 2  on page 74 and vocabulary exercise on page 76 in textbook
  • read definition of Quantitative easing in Handout U14 and listen to a part of BBC podcast dealing with explanation of QE - prepare a short summary
  • read about Britain´s stuttering economy (ex.4, Handout U14) and do exercises 4A and 4B, be ready to discuss the content of the article
  • revise grammar of passive voice

voluntary: listen to a BBC podcast dealing with micro-finance, in which you will hear different people (the founder, some users of the services and a critic + the reporter, Peter Day) talking about advantages as well as drawbacks of the system. The questions in exercise 5 of U14 handout might facilitate the task. (listen to the first 8 minutes of the podcast)
