Early development: attachment, deprivation, Erikson´s theory
Understand the significance of early attachment in child development.
Identify different attachment patterns and their implications.
Recognize the importance of critical and sensitive periods in development.
Define psychosocial deprivation and its potential consequences.
Analyze the impact of psychosocial deprivation on various aspects of human development.
Describe the stages of psychosocial development according to Erikson's theory.
Compare Erikson's theory with Freud's theory.
Identify the key factors influencing human development throughout the lifespan.
Explore the interplay between biological, psychological, and social factors in shaping development.
Psychosocial deprivation
Critical and sensitive periods
Attachment patterns (secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure-preocuppied, insecure-disorganized)
Stages of psychosocial development (trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, etc.)
Erikson's theory
Freud's theory
Questions for thought:
Which expereinces in your childhood affected you the most?
How do humans develop throughout their lifespan?
Attachment Theories:
Who are the key figures in attachment theory?
What are the main differences between the Evolutionary and Learning/Behaviorist theories of attachment?
What are the stages of human attachment, and what are their characteristics?
Can you identify and describe the four primary attachment patterns?
Psychosocial Deprivation:
What are critical and sensitive periods in development?
How does psychosocial deprivation affect psychological health, neural development, and socio-emotional behavior?
Psychosocial Development:
Can you describe the first five stages of psychosocial development according to Erikson's theory?
How does Erikson's theory differ from Freud's theory?