Diplomacy in East Asia

Week 5 - Economic Diplomacy

1.      Economic Diplomacy

Economic diplomacy is the use of the economic tools of a state to achieve its national interests. For example Chinese peaceful rise or the new Chinese endeavor New Silk Road.

1.1.    The Class will cover issues such as

o     Chinese economic rise

o     Asian Tigers - Asia’s economic miracle

o     Tools of Economic diplomacy

o     Foreign Aid and Foreign Development

o     Role of United Nations and Security Council

o     World Arms trade

o     International Responses

o     Sanctions and embargoes

1.2. Required Reading

o       McGillivray, Fiona, a Allan C. Stam. „Political Institutions, Coercive Diplomacy, and the Duration of Economic Sanctions". The Journal of Conflict Resolution 48, n. 2 (2004): 154–72.

1.3.   Suggested Reading

o     Peksen, Dursun, a A. Drury. „Economic Sanctions and Political Repression: Assessing the Impact of Coercive Diplomacy on Political Freedoms". Human Rights Review 10, n. 3 (2009): 393–411.