Energy Politics

Climate justice? Developing countries in the global climate regime (Filip Černoch) 15. 11. 2022

Main topic: Developing countries and climate change. 

Overarching theme: Uneven regional distribution of the costs and impacts of climate change.

Outline: Discussion of the capacity of developing countries to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Analysis of the problem of global energy and climate justice. Illustration of these issues using sub-Saharan Africa as an example. 

Sources: Watch an interesting TED video discussing some of the energy dilemmas in the region. Further details on the situation can be found in this BBC article. For a more graphic picture, see the IEA Africa Energy Outlook 2021 analysis (just Key findings). 

Get ready: Think about the extent to which it is both ethically right and politically acceptable to require developing countries to exercise frugality in the use of fossil fuels on which developed countries have built their wealth.