Seminární skupiny PJI2A/9, PJI2A/13, PJI2A/21, Jazyk I/2 - Lucie Fialová

10 March

1) check out the KEY for page 80/ex.2+Practice (key below):

KEY - CB - p.80/2:  2-So much money has rarely been lost by one person gambling with his company´s assets. 3-A work of art has never risen in value by so much in such a short time. 4-An investor can only take high risks and still be successful in exceptional circumstances.

p.80/Practice: 1-Never have investors had to work so hard to make a reasonable return.  2-Rarely are forecasts of how the markets will change 100% accurate. 3-Not only are people afraid of losing money but also of appearing stupid. 4-On no account should they have expanded their portfolio, becuse their track record was so poor. 5-Only if they really trust them should people listen to financial advisers.

2) print off 8 March worksheet and complete the tasks

3) print off the presentation assessment form in more copies. /see Interaktivni osnova- above Unit 9/

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