Vizualizace komplexních dat

Týden 10 - individuální studium - 7. 12. 2020

 V závěrečném cvičení v Processingu budeme vizualizovat texty se zaměřením na poezii (periodicitu v textu).

Vytvořte program, který:

1) načte text ze souboru text1 (viz níže))

2) zjistí frekvenci slov a vytvoří vizualizaci "word cloud" do dolní části obrazovky ?[]

3) zjistí periodicitu krátkých fragmentů a kombinací slov (1-10 bez interpunkce a dle chuti i bez mezer)

4) vykreslí frekvenční diagram (kolikrát se opakuje libovolný fragment na nějakou vzdálenost v závislosti od vzdálenosti, čili periody) v horní části obrazovky ?[]

5) pokud stihnete, nechte vypsat ke každé frekvenci četné fragmenty a obarvit slova, ve kterých se vyskytují stejnou barvou, nejvíce zastoupenou periodu a podobně


Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after.

Up Jack got, and home did trot,

As fast as he could caper,

To old Dame Dob, 

Who patched his nob

With vinegar and brown paper.

When Jill came in 

How she did grin

To see Jack's paper plaster;

Mother vexed 

Did whip her next

For causing Jack's disaster.

Jack laughed a lot and Jill did not 

but her tears did soon abate 

then Jill did say that they should play 

at see-saw across the gate.


What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails and puppy-dogs' tails,
And that are little boys made of.

What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice and all things nice,
And that are little girls made of.

What are young men made of?
Sighs and leers, and crocodile tears,
And that are young men made of.

What are young women made of?
Ribbons and laces, and sweet pretty faces,
And that are young women made of.


 * Loads a text file that contains words separated by spaces (' ').
// import wordcram.*;
// import java.util.Map;

IntDict hash;

String[] lines;
String str1;
// String str2;
int w = 3;
int width = 0;

void setup() {
  size(800, 600);
  hash = new IntDict();
  // Read in poem; must be all on one line
  lines = loadStrings("poem_clean.txt");
  // Split it into words
  String[] words = split(lines[0], ' ');
  // Make a hash of word counts
  for(int k = 0; k<words.length; k++) {
    if(hash.hasKey(words[k])) {
    } else {
     hash.set(words[k], 1);
  // Sort the hash by count
  // Print basic characteristics
  println("Poem has " + words.length + " words.");
  println("Poem has " + lines[0].length() + " characters.");
  // Print the top 5 words
  String[] keys = hash.keyArray();
  int[] values = hash.valueArray();
  for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) {
    println(values[i] + " " + keys[i]);
  // new WordCram(this)
  //   .fromTextFile("./poem_clean.txt")
  //   .withFont(createFont("/usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationSerif-Regular.ttf", 1))
  //   .sizedByWeight(10, 90)
  //   .withColors(color(0, 250, 200), color(30), color(170, 230, 200))
  //   .drawAll();
    int[] num = new int[lines[0].length()-w];
    for(int pos=0; pos<lines[0].length()-w; pos++) {
      num[pos] = 0;
    // For each position in the text
    for(int pos=0; pos<lines[0].length()-w; pos++) {
      // get a fragment of length w
      str1 = lines[0].substring(pos, pos+w);
      // if it is periodic
      if(lines[0].indexOf(str1, pos+1) > pos) {
        // calculate the period
          width = lines[0].indexOf(str1, pos+1) - pos;
          // print the fragment, its periodicity and position
        println(str1 + " " + width + " (pos = " + pos + ")");
    // Print frequency spectrum
    for(int pos=0; pos<lines[0].length()-w; pos++) {
      println(pos + " " + num[pos]);

void draw() {


jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water jack fell down and broke his crown and jill came tumbling after up jack got and home did trot as fast as he could caper to old dame dob who patched his nob with vinegar and brown paper when jill came in how she did grin to see jacks paper plaster mother vexed did whip her next for causing jacks disaster jack laughed a lot and jill did not but her tears did soon abate then jill did say that they should play at see saw across the gate

what are little boys made of frogs and snails and puppy dogs tails and that are little boys made of what are little girls made of sugar and spice and all things nice and that are little girls made of what are young men made of sighs and leers, and crocodile tears and that are young men made of what are young women made of ribbons and laces and sweet pretty faces and that are young women made o