Culture, Society and Politics in the German-speaking Countries

Week 12: Swiss Federalism and Direct Democracy


Due to the lockdown in Austria (where I reside), our session today will not be held. 

The ppt presentation, planned for today, can be found here =>  

- The quiz results have been posted in the IS last week. If you have any question about the Austria quiz or today's presentation, please email me.

This teaching unit will discuss the following topics: Swiss Politics: Political tradition, institutions and parties, why is Swiss politics so stable?

Mandatory reading

Linder, W., & Vatter, A. (2001). Institutions and outcomes of Swiss federalism: The role of the cantons in Swiss politics. West European Politics, 24(2), 95-122.

Feld, L. P., & Kirchgässner, G. (2000). Direct democracy, political culture, and the outcome of economic policy: a report on the Swiss experience. European Journal of Political Economy, 16(2), 287-306.

Further Reading

Kriesi, H., & Trechsel, A. H. (2008). The politics of Switzerland: Continuity and change in a consensus democracy (Chapters 3-5).

Schoch, B. (2000). Switzerland-a model for solving nationality conflicts? Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Report No. 54/2000.

Moser, P. (1996). Why is Swiss politics so stable?. Revue Suisse D Economie Politique Et De Statistique132, 31-62.