Welcome to the interactive syllabus of the course " Modern technology for individuals with special educational needs " (TI9017).
Each lesson of this course has a "time lock" which means that the lessons are gradually unlocked during the semester.
The currently running lessons are marked with a "blue arrow" symbol ➡ and situated in the menu of the syllabus on the right side of this page. The current chapters are also colorfully underlined in the main part of the syllabus.
TIP: Use an online translator in order to translate web pages in a different language from English.
Deadline: 30th of June
To obtain credits, you need to follow all the requirements mentioned below:
- Read the interactive syllabus
- Finish the final exam test (20 questions, min. 80% correct answers - will be launched at the end of March)
- Write an essay on the topic "Modern Gadgets for People with Special Needs" - you can choose a type of impairment (visual, hearing, intellectual, ADHD, and so on) and write about a hi-tech gadget (software, special aid, prototype) which can or will help people and improve their quality of life.
BLOCK LESSON: 3D Printing and Prototyping Aids for People with Disabilities (14.3. 2025, 10:00 - 12:00 am)
- optional = non-compulsory
- For those interested, --> practical workshop on how to design your own aid and how to work with 3D printing technology (you will also have the opportunity to try 3D modeling and 3D printing on your own).
- PLACE & TIME: FRIDAY 14.3.2025, 10:00 - 12:00, classroom n. 46, PdF MU, Poříčí 31 https://is.muni.cz/auth/kontakty/mistnost?id=2332, https://is.muni.cz/auth/kontakty/mistnost?lang=en;setlang=en;id=2332
WEEKLY ONLINE CONSULTATIONS for those interested (every Monday from 10:00 to 12:00 am) with lecturers via MS Teams.
OrCam MyEye 2.0 - Smart camera for the visually impaired
SunuBand wristband
Meet DOT - Braille smartwatch
Mobile apps and web portals to make people aware of visual impairment
Smart mobile apps and web portals for life without sight
3D printing and "home" creation of aids for visually impaired users
Current and visionary developments in the field of aids for the blind and partially sighted
3D print - an innovative way for people with hearing impairment
Cochlear implant
Induction (hearing) loop
FM systems aids
AAC & Technologies for people with speech impairment
3D Printing and speech impairment therapy
3D print - an innovative way for people with hearing impairment
Cochlear implant
Induction (hearing) loop
FM systems aids
AAC & Technologies for people with speech impairment
Hi-Tech gadgets for people with autism
3D print for people with intellectual disability
AAC and Modern Technology: Innovative Applications for Direct Interaction
Modern technology for people to support mental health (VR therapy, apps...)