Use this link to review basic grammar terms.
English for Teachers I - Groups 01 and 04
Grammarly: AI writing assistance
Use the free version to catch typos or small grammar mistakes. A good way to learn too.
YouTube: BBC Learning English channel
I especially like the 6-minute English videos. Those cover a range of topics and always end with a review of the vocabulary used in the video.
You can also follow BBC Learning English on Facebook.
YouTube: English with Lucy
Great explanations of grammar and vocabulary use delivered in a lovely British accent.
Lydia Machová - Language mentoring
Short blogs and other resources for independent learners.
Do you know your grammar terms in English? You can check your knowledge with this game.
Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.
Online Dictionaries
Merriam Webster
Try some of the games there :)
Youglish - a searchable database of YouTube videos
Type any word or phrase and get hundreds of videos where you can hear that word pronounced in context.
It is great both for pronunciation training and for deeper understanding of a word's meaning and usage.
A language learning tool that connects you with native speakers to exchange foreign language audio files. Get any foreign language text read aloud for you by a native speaker!
You can also contribute by recording audio in Czech or Slovak.
English Central
30,000 video lesson arranged by level and topic.
How to Fake a British Accent FAST
A 14-minute crash course in the sounds that give British English its unique charm.
For Fun
Lyrics Training
How well do you know the lyrics of your favorite English songs? Test yourself at 4 different levels of difficulty in this gap-fill, karaoke-type activity.