👷 Seminar on Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, and Scientific Visualization
doc. RNDr. Petr Sojka, Ph.D.
👷 Seminar on Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, and Scientific Visualization


  • The course is a [i]regular [re]search seminar, mentored in a "family" manner. In this term, the seminar [sub]topic is Tame the complexity.  It is mandatory that the enrolled student give a presentation on an agreed-upon topic (of interest, or her thesis, or he will talk about a research paper or area) once during the term. Topics of presentations focus primarily (but not necessarily) on those related to machine learning, representation learning, and scientific visualization or related to our subtopic (tackling complexity by LLM agents, proving P=NP, etc. ;-).
  • There is a with official course information and a communication channel in addition to the course outline below: watch both frequently!

Topics and Course Outline

Week 1– 19.9. canceled due to floods

Week 2  Introduction, research strategy, evaluation, and course schedule planning

Join us at A502, Faculty of Informatics MU, on September 26th at 10 AM (CET) [or on , on-demand only].

  • 09:50 Catering preparation (from brought Autumn fruits)
  • 10:00 Class introduction, warm-up round-up check-in discussion (expectation, topics/expertise/background, suggested presentations, and readings). We will "Start with why" (Simon Sinek). Why do you go to college? Bring your research presentation offers (one slide) and ideas to present, read, study, and discuss! Take inspiration from last term's presentations.
  • 10:25 The golden circle of research communication and scientific work. 
  • 11:20 Class round-up discussion (suggested presentations, readings, and presentation course schedule).
  • 11:30 Varia, socializing (team builder wanted!), lunch.
  • Week 3 – Taming the complexity in/of your projects

    Join us at A502, Faculty of Informatics MU, on Oct 3rd at 9:50 AM (catering preparation) and 10 AM (Invitation of newcomers, questions on readings, and a summary of Week 2). For joining by   Zoom, ask in advance for a password.

    We will present the research projects we are working on, in an elevator-pitch style. Presenting complex projects under these time constraints puts pressure on the compact style of presentation where each word or diagram matters and is challenging.

    Kapitola obsahuje:
    Studijní materiály
    Studijní text
    Učitel doporučuje studovat od 22. 9. 2024 do 5. 10. 2024.

    Week 4 – 10. 10. canceled

    Week 5 – 17. 10. Ondřej Sojka

    Join us at A502, Faculty of Informatics MU, on Oct 3rd at 9:50 AM (catering preparation) and 10 AM (Invitation of newcomers, questions on readings, and speaker introduction). For joining by   Zoom, ask in advance for a password.

    Hyphenation patterns play a vital role in enhancing the readability and aesthetics of text, especially for Slavic languages. Current hyphenation systems for many Slavic languages are outdated, sometimes relying on manually created patterns with limited effectiveness. We explore the transfer learning of syllabic hyphenation patterns across multiple Slavic languages to develop improved, data-driven hyphenation systems. By using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) as an intermediary, this research transfers hyphenation patterns between related Slavic languages, creating a unified set of IPA-based rules. These IPA patterns are then used to generate language-specific hyphenation patterns for each target language. The proposed approach aims to develop reliable hyphenation patterns using machine learning methods, improving syllabification across multiple languages. Although the work is ongoing, early results indicate promising improvements, particularly for Ukrainians. The new patterns are intended to be practical and easy to reproduce, ultimately contributing to better text layout quality for Slavic languages.

    Kapitola obsahuje:
    Studijní text
    Učitel doporučuje studovat od 12. 10. 2024 do 20. 10. 2024.

    Week 6 – 24. 10.

    Join us at A502, Faculty of Informatics MU, on Oct 3rd at 9:50 AM (catering preparation) and 10 AM (Invitation of newcomers, questions on readings, and a summary of Week 2). For joining by   Zoom, ask in advance for a password.

    Week 7 – 31. 10. 

    Week 8 – 7. 11. Marek Kadlčík

    [Marek Kadlčík]: TBA 7. 11. 2024
    Učitel doporučuje studovat od 1. 11. 2024 do 8. 11. 2024.

    Week 9 – 14. 11. Tereza Vrabcová

    [Tereza Vrabcová]: TBA 14. 11. 2024
    Učitel doporučuje studovat od 8. 11. 2024 do 15. 11. 2024.

    Week 10 – 21. 11. Martin Kňažovič

    [Martin Kňažovič]: TBA 21. 11. 2024
    Učitel doporučuje studovat od 13. 11. 2024 do 22. 11. 2024.

    Week 11 – 28. 11. Michal Štefánik

    Join us at A502, Faculty of Informatics MU, on November 28th at 10 AM (CET) [and on Zoom, on-demand only].

    [Michal Štefánik]: TBA 28. 11. 2024
    Učitel doporučuje studovat od 26. 11. 2024 do 6. 12. 2024.

    Week 12 – 5. 12. Frank Mittelbach

    Join us at A502, Faculty of Informatics MU, on December 5th at 10 AM (CET) or [or on Zoom].

    [Frank Mittelbach]: TBA 5. 12. 2024
    Učitel doporučuje studovat od 14. 11. 2024 do 5. 12. 2024.

    Week 13 – 12. 12. Merry Christmas

    Join us at A502, Faculty of Informatics MU, on December 12th at 10 AM (CET) or [or on ].

    [?]: TBA 12. 12. 2024
    Učitel doporučuje studovat od 5. 12. 2024 do 20. 12. 2024.

    Tips for readings, discussions, and presentation preparations:

    1. Top2Vec towardsdatascience.com/top2vec-new-way-of-topic-modelling 
    2. How to Speak by Patrick Winston (YouTube video)

    Žákovi, který se hrozil chyb, Mistr řekl: "Ti, kdo nedělají chyby, chybují nejvíc ze všech – nepokoušejí se o nic nového." Anthony de Mello: O cestě

    To a student in danger, the Master said: "Those who do not make mistakes most of all – they do not try anything new." Anthony de Mello
