- 1.What is course registration and what is its purpose?Use the registration form to select the courses you are interested in studying. If you meet the conditions set for the course (course prerequisites, course capacity, etc.), you will be enrolled/confirmed in the course. If you do not comply, the course will be marked red and you will not be enrolled. Course enrollment (confirmation) occurs during the enrollment and change of enrollment period (see the term calendar).
- 2.How can I register for a course?
Registration of courses can be done via
The Information system Student Start of term Course Registration and Enrolment Add coursesThere are several ways to register/enroll in courses:
- Course catalog – specific courses can be selected using the course code, name and other parameters.
- Registration template – allows you to choose suitable courses from your study's registration templates.
- Study planner – allows you to choose courses from a pre-created study plan.
- Unsuccessful courses – the possibility of choosing courses that you have not successfully completed and are listed in the given semester. According to the SZŘ, you must re-enroll in unsuccessful courses as soon as possible. If you do not add them with this option, the system will add them automatically at the beginning of the course registration period (applies to courses listed every semester). Courses that are not offered every semester are automatically registered before registration begins.
- Courses for everyone – a faculty offer directly addressed to students of other faculties and programmes (courses have no enrolment restrictions and do not require in-depth knowledge of the field).
- Courses enrolled in most often – the offer of courses most enrolled by students of the same programme.
1 Registration options in the system.
After selecting the courses in Preparation for registration, the courses can be registered by clicking the "Try to register or enroll courses" button. If courses are added during the registration period, they are registered immediately upon addition. If courses are added during the enrollment period, they will be enrolled immediately.
- 3.Is there any way I can print syllabi of the courses I have completed?To print the syllabi, use the following path:The Information System Student End of Studies Grades and Credits Obtained During All My Studies and My Grade Average Syllabi of completed coursesCheck the courses whose syllabus you wish to print and select the order of the courses.
- 4.How do individual links work in the registration application?
The registration application is divided into the following areas:
- Preparation for registration – Courses you will want to add during the registration/enrollment period.
- Registered courses – courses that you have successfully registered for. White registered courses are ready for enrollment.
- Enrolled courses – successfully enrolled courses.
The application also offers the following options:
- Logging into seminar groups
- Change the number of credits
- Change the way the course is completed
- Request an exception
- View the timetable
- 5.When and how can I cancel my registration for or enrollment in a course?Both registered and enrolled courses can be cancelled during the registration, enrollment and enrollment change periods. Individually, courses can be cancelled directly in the registered/enrolled courses overview table by clicking on the waste bin icon. Only registered courses can be cancelled at any time.
1 If there is a period when a course can be cancelled, a blue (active) waste bin icon is displayed for that course.
- 6.What is the difference between registration, enrollment and changes in enrollment?
- Registration
- The registration period is used to express interest in studying courses or to obtain a better time stamp for capacity-limited courses.
- Enrollment
- During this period, automatic enrolment/confirmation occurs for courses for which the enrolment conditions (capacity, prerequisites, etc.) have been met. Only at the moment of enrolment do you acquire the right and obligation to study the course. Courses can continue to be registered or cancelled, seamless registrations are automatically enrolled each night.
- Changes in enrollment
- Courses may continue to be registered or cancelled during the period of final enrollment changes. Seamless registrations will be automatically enrolled each night.
- 7.Why does the registration system prioritize students repeating courses?According to Study and Examination Regulations (Article 20, paragraph 1), students are obliged to repeat unsuccessfully completed courses in the next semester when they are offered again. In order to enable repeating students to fulfil this obligation, the system tries to ensure good ranking and priority enrolment. For the specific manner in which failed courses are forced, see Prompting students to enroll in the courses they have failed to complete.
- 8.Prompting students to enroll in the courses they have failed to completeWhen it comes to prompting you to enroll in the courses you have failed to complete, the following rules apply:
- An unsuccesfully completed course that is not offered every semester is registered for before registration begins (this gives you the best ranking).
- An unsuccesfully completed course that is offered every semester is not forced on you before registration begins because grades have not yet been awarded (all students in the course appear to be repeating for failure). You will be automatically registered and enrolled before the start of the enrolment period (you will be ahead of regular students in the rankings). If you know you will be repeating a course, however, we recommend that you register for it as soon as possible.
- If you receive a grade by the end of the change in enrollment (the reason for repeating the course will pass) or if the Office for Studies approves your request not to repeat, the IS will automatically cancel the course from your enrollment.
- If a course is set to "it is possible to enrol in the course repeatedly" then it will not be automatically canceled from the course enrollment, even after a passing grade has been received for the past semester.
- A course will not be forced on you if a course with the same code is allowed to be not repeated at any later time after a failing grade.
- A forced course will automatically enroll the day before the start of the enrollment period even if it is registered in red.
- PE compulsory courses – instead of the uncompleted sport you can choose another, you have to register separately.
- Interrupted studies – if you intend to register for a course, register for the courses separately and have your studies resumed as soon as possible by the office for studies due to the order in the capacity-limited courses.
- Study with an individual study plan – unsuccessful courses may be registered by the office for studies after enrollment changes period have passed.
- 9.How is my position determined, or why did it change?If the course is capacity limited, those students who have a satisfactory ranking will be automatically enrolled. The current rank is listed in the "Position" column. The system uses the following rules to determine the rank order:
- All those who have already enrolled in the course are ranked first (the Office for Studies may enrol the course regardless of the order). They have a ranking of 0. Their number can be found in the "Numbers".
- Students who have to repeat the course are ranked second. For most courses, these students are automatically registered by the system before registration begins (they are in good position), and for courses offered each semester, before the enrolment period begins. Their current number (i.e. those who do not yet have a passing grade) can be found in the "Repeating" section. The number of repeaters includes students who have registered for a course with a bad time stamp; this grade will automatically improve during the night.
- In addition, priority is given to students who are actively studying one of the "the fields the course is directly associated with". You can find out if you have priority in the "Preference" section. To find out how many applicants do and do not have priority, see the "Numbers" section.
- Last in the list are those students who are not studying the fields the course is directly associated with and are not repeating the course.
- If the fields the course is directly associated with in the catalogue change, a different number of students will be given priority.
- Repeat students will appear in the ranking (before the enrollment period begins) and will be automatically registered by the system.
- Students with previously interrupted studies who were able to register but whose ranking has not yet entered the calculation will be registered.
- The office for studies will enrol a certain number of students outside the normal registration.
- A reduction in rank may occur if someone placed ahead of you unregisters because they no longer need to repeat the course or finished (interrupts) their studies. This change can also occur if a student ahead of you had the course recognized (students with a recognized course are not counted towards the course capacity).
- 10.I do not want to repeat an elective course, where do I apply?To cancel the obligation to repeat a course, use:The Information System Student Start of Term Apply for course-repetition exemption I want to apply for course-repetition exemptionThe Study and Examination Regulations impose the obligation to re-enrol in the earliest possible date a course that has been unsuccessfully completed. Article 20(2) and (3) states
(2) The dean is entitled to grant an exemption from the obligation to repeat an elective course under subsection 1 at the request of a student, filed via the IS MU no later than by the end of the period for changing enrolment in courses; elective courses for this purpose are considered also courses included in a compulsory group of courses enrolled after the requirements of the compulsory group of courses have been met.
This application informs you how many credits you have already used up by course-repetition exemption and allows you to submit a request to the office for studies for permission not to repeat the course. The application will be processed (granted or denied) by the office for studies, and the system will inform you by e-mail. As long as the request is not granted, your obligation to repeat the course continues. You may withdraw your application until it is processed. Requests to remove the obligation to repeat a course may be submitted no later than the end of the enrollment change period in the semester when the course is automatically re-enrolled due to failure. If the request is granted, the course cannot be re-enrolled in the future. Grades for courses that are allowed to be repeated in a given term are not counted in the grade point average. If you are in doubt about whether a course is an elective for you, contact your office for studies.
(3) An exemption under subsection 2 may be granted only for courses whose aggregate credit value is worth up to one-tenth of the minimum credit value of the studies.For the calculation of the minimum credit value of studies, the standard period of study of the field of study is used, namely the longest period of actively studied fields of study (if the student is actively studying more than one field of study). For one semester, 30 credits are counted towards the minimum credit value of studies. The distinction between compulsory and optional courses is not yet implemented in the system. Therefore, it is possible to submit a request for cancellation of the obligation to repeat even for courses that are compulsory for you. You have to distinguish yourself whether the course is compulsory or optional. The office for studies will refuse the request to cancel a compulsory course, but you will be adding unnecessary work to the office for studies. The operators of the system apologise for not yet implementing this feature in is.muni.cz.The application lists all failed courses, you need to assess which ones are optional for you. You can only be exempt from course-repetition if the sum of the credit values does not exceed 10% of the minimum credit value of the study.
- 11.My registration record is marked red. How can I apply for the enrollment permission/exception?Red messages in the table of registered courses indicate problems and these courses will not be enrolled for you. Courses may be registered as problematic (red) for a variety of reasons. If the reason is an unmet prerequisite (i.e., if a student has a good time stamp but has not met the prerequisite), then that student is blocking space in the course for other students with a problem-free registration but a worse time stamp. If a student with a red registration meets the prerequisite at the time of course enrolment, the course will be enrolled with his/her time grade. For some reasons, a teacher may be asked to grant an exception/consent to enroll via the "Apply for permission" link found in the "Registered courses" section for each course.
This link is available during the course enrollment period and the enrollment change period. It is not available during the course registration period. During this period, a number of registration issues are resolved (missing prerequisites, etc.), so requests for exceptions do not need to be submitted yet. The application will offer a form for the text of the letter to the teachers of the course. Include in the letter the reasons why the teacher should grant you an exception or permission to enroll. To submit the request, click the "Apply for permission and send email" button. You can withdraw the pending request again at the same location. The application will send an email to the teacher (or course guarantor or contact person, depending on who is responsible for handling exceptions). If the change is such that your original red registration is white (the problem has been resolved), the teacher sees that it is unnecessary to consider the exception request. You can withdraw the application if you wish, but it is not necessary. Submit your request for an exception in time for the teacher to respond by the end of the enrollment change period. Otherwise, you will not be enrolled in the course. If the teacher clicks to grant the exception in the MU IS, the course will be automatically enrolled immediately. In some cases, an exemption cannot be requested because the teacher may not grant it. In these cases, only the office for studies can register the course.1 Exception request for a course with problematic registration.
- 12.What are prerequisites and how are they evaluated?Pre-requisites represent the requirements which the student must meet to be allowed to enroll in a course.
Tag Meaning: Requirement that has to be met P10 || P11 completion of P10 or P11 P10 && P11 completion of P10 and P11 !P10 P10 not completed (!P10) && (!P11) neither P10 nor P11 completed NOW(P10) also registered for or enrolled in P10 NOW_LIMIT(P10) also registered without problems (within the limit, fulfilling all other prerequisites, if any) or enrolled at the same time !NOWANY(P10,P11,P12) registered for or enrolled in none of the following: P10,P11,P12 fakulta(1411) student must study at the specified faculty
Faculty code legend (it is either a faculty ID or a domain name that is used): “med” = 1411, “pharm” = 1416, “phil” = 1421, “law” = 1422,“fss” = 1423,“sci” = 1431, “fi” = 1433, “ped” = 1441, “fsps” = 1451, “econ” = 1456program student must be enrolled in the specified programme smer student must be enrolled in the specified specialization obor(HOT) student must be enrolled in the specified field forma(P) student must be enrolled in the specified study mode typ_studia(BM) student must be enrolled in the specified type of studies (B, M, N, D, C, R) semestr(2) student must be enrolled in the specified term rocnik(1) student must be enrolled in the specified year studijni_skupina(N) student must be enrolled in the specified study group souhlas explicit (marked in the MU IS) consent of the teacher (consent must first be requested) kredity_min(125) at least 125 credits gained vycet says how many of all the pre-requisites have been met nesplneno_tv “requirements fulfilled” gained for a PE course fewer than four times in Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes (B, M), full-time study mode pov_tv can only be enrolled in by full-time students of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes who have gained “requirements fulfilled” for a PE course less than twice; does not apply to the students studying at the Faculty of Sports Studies or the ones studying Primary School Teacher Training, Pre-school Teacher Training, Paramedic or Physiotherapy smi_placenou_tv can only be enrolled in by students of N and D studies (full-time study mode) or those who have already gained 4 PE credits and who are not students of the Faculty of Sports Studies or enrolled in Primary School Pedagogy maxszz(SZZ_MDP, 2) can only be enrolled in by students who have gained fewer than 3 grades for the S_SZZ_PREDMETY course szz_vyplneno can only be enrolled in by students whose Thesis Archive section has been finalized szz_vyplneno_tema can only be enrolled in by students who have already enrolled in another course with the szz_vyplneno_tema pre-requisite and whose Thesis Archive sections have been finalized (in the situations where a student has not enrolled in any course with the szz_vyplneno_tema pre-requisite, the student's Thesis Archive section is not checked) sem_sk(P10/S1) the student must be enrolled in the given seminar group (S1) of the subject P10 Checking pre-requisites in the process of granting enrollment permissions/exceptions If an "error in the prerequisite" message is displayed when evaluating prerequisites, information about the last component of the prerequisite being evaluated is listed. The pre-requisite is evaluated only until a clear result is known. So, for example, if a prerequisite is entered as IB000 && "whatever" and the student has not completed IB000, then "whatever" is no longer even evaluated and IB000 is listed as an error. If the prerequisite is given as IB000 || "anything" and the student has not completed IB000, then "anything" is printed as a possible error.Do not overlook the exclamation mark before the course code, which indicates that you must not have taken the course.
( IB000 || IB112 ) && !IA008
The student has not met IB000, it is evaluated whether he/she has met at least IB112 (because it is IB000 || IB112). If he/she has not met either IB000 or IB112, then the prerequisite is evaluated as 0 && "whatever" and thus does not need to be evaluated further. The last expression evaluated was IB112, which is also listed as an error. If a student meets the prerequisites to enroll in a course in one study and has the course registered or enrolled there without problems, then he/she automatically meets the prerequisites in all his/her other studies. - 13.Where can I find out what courses I am expected to register for?The faculty determines the recommended or compulsory composition of studies in the study catalogue. To facilitate registration, templates for individual programmes have been prepared. Check the requirements set out for you in the study catalogue. For more detailed information about a given course, click on the course code. This information is filled in by the teacher (or guarantor) of the course, so the extent of the information may be different for each course. Similarly, not all sections may be filled in for each course.
You can find this information in the "Course information":- Extent and intensity
- It shows the weekly hourly allocation of the course through three fields for three possible types of teaching. The first field indicates the number of lectures, the second field exercises and the third field practical and other activities (laboratory, project, etc.).
- Teacher(s)
- Persons involved in teaching the course. For each person, the way in which he/she participates in teaching (lecturer, seminar tutor, assistant, etc.) is indicated.
- Guaranteed by
- Persons and departments responsible for the offer and teaching of the course. A contact person to contact for consultation on the course is also listed.
- Timetable
- Times at which the course is taught.
- Prerequisites
- Enrollment requirements and information about whether you meet them or not (see the link “Do I meet enrollment requirements?”).
- Course enrollment limitations
- Course enrollment limitations such as course capacity limit, restrictions imposed on certain fields of study, etc.
- Fields of study the course is directly associated with
- The fields the course has been primarily designed for and students of which are given enrollment preference.
- Course objectives
- These describe teaching outcomes, i.e. knowledge, skills, etc. which students should have after completing the course.
- Syllabus
- List of topics to be dealt with during the course.
- Literature
- List of books the students enrolled in the course are recommended to read.
- Teaching methods
- This section describes the methods used to achieve course objectives (e.g. theoretical part, laboratory practice, etc.).
- Assessment methods
- A section describing teacher's requirements related to students' attendance, assignments, examinations, etc.
- Follow-up courses
- This section lists related courses.
- Teacher's information
- Information e.g. about consultation hours, links to further information, websites, etc.
- Further comments
- Space for additional information on the course.
- Listed among pre-requisites of other courses
- List of courses in whose prerequisites the selected course is listed, including the evaluation of the prerequisites (link "Do I meet enrolment requirements?").
- Full information on the course
- Lists all the information on the course.
- Evaluation statistics
- An application providing evaluation statistics and success rates of the course in previous terms.
- Enrollment statistics
- This application displays the numbers of students registered for or enrolled in the selected courses (applies to the current term).
- List of seminar groups
- Seminar groups of the course in the current term.
- Course opinion poll results
- Results of the course opinion poll conducted for the previous term.
- Course Discussion Forum
- An overview of the course discussion forums in all terms when the course was offered.
- Permalink
- Permanent link to the page containing information on the course.
- 14.How do I find out when registration is taking place?Go to:The Information System Student Start of Term Course Registration and Enrolment
Here you will find a graphical representation of the registration period, enrollment and enrollment changes at your faculty. Click on a colored bar to view more detailed information, including information about delaying the start of course registration. Dates for other faculties can be expanded by selecting "Display the dates of other faculties".
1 Primarily, the student sees the dates of his faculty, after clicking the switch he can see the dates of all faculties.
- 15.What are registration waves?Registration waves determine the order in which course registration begins for a particular group of students. Registration waves begin on a weekday only. The start of registration for individual students is staggered over five waves, with progressively more students allowed to register. The so-called residual credit volume, defined as follows, is used to determine the order: The residual volume of credits for a programme is the difference between the minimum credit value of the programme (standard study period in semesters times 30) and the number of credits that the student has earned so far in the programme and has to count towards the programme, including credits for recognised courses (if the result is negative, it is considered zero).
- The first registration wave
- From the moment registration at a given faculty begins in a given semester, students are registered for studies in which they have achieved a residual credit volume of less than 61 credits and all students in doctoral degree programmes.
- The second registration wave
- Additionally, students with a residual credit volume of less than 121 credits are allowed to start registering for courses as of two weekdays after registration opens.
- The third registration wave
- Additionally, students with a residual credit volume of less than 181 credits are allowed to start registering for courses as of four weekdays after registration opens.
- The fourth registration wave
- Additionally, students with a residual credit volume of less than 241 credits are allowed to start registering for courses as of six weekdays after registration opens.
- The fifth registration wave
- From the moment eight weekdays after the opening of registration (fifth wave), all students are allowed to start registering for courses.
The Information System Student Start of Term Course Registration and Enrolment Change of my registration start date recalculate creditsBetween 16:45 and 17:15, or when the system load level is greater than or equal to 2, this function cannot be used. We recommend using the feature well in advance of the actual competition. - 16.I cannot register/cancel my registration for coursesThere might be several reason why you cannot register for courses:
- Wrong term – semester
- It is necessary to have the correct term selected in the page header.
To change, click on the current term and select the term in which you want to register the courses.
1 Changing the semester.
- A new programme of studies
- If your newly enrolled study is not displayed in the MU IS, have the data recalculated (the data is automatically recalculated at night) in the application
The Information System System System settings Verify the IS main page data now
- Registration start date
- You are not part of a registration wave that is already running or registration is not yet running at your faculty. The registration start date for you can be found in the colored bar in the header of the registration application.
- A course cannot be found
- Registration is running, but a particular course does not appear in the registration template. Search it and register it via the course catalogue. It is also possible that the course is not offered (not taught) in the current semester, then it cannot be registered.
- The period of enrollment changes is over, so no changes can be made any longer.
- It is a day preceding the start of enrollment period.
- 17.May I register for a course offered by some other faculty?Yes, you can register for courses from any MU faculty. You can search for courses from specific faculties in the course catalogue by selecting Add Courses. Courses that are open to students from all faculties without restrictions are available under the "Courses for everyone" link. Other courses offered by the faculty can be found in the templates of each programmes. If you do not see the link for the selected faculty, it is probably not registration period. When does registration take place? If you are looking for courses that fit your timetable, use the Search Timetable application, see Help for more information.
- 18.I failed to register for the courses during the registration period, what am I supposed to do now?If you did not register your courses during the registration period,no problem, you have the option to register later during the enrollment period or enrollment changes. If the teacher sent a bulk letter to students in the course before you were enrolled in the course, you will be notified by automatic email. Bulk letters are also automatically saved in the "Course-Related Instructions" folder in the "Study materials posted under the course".
- 19.Is there any way I can mark my favourite courses?Yes, you can star any course in the "Course Catalogue" by clicking on the course code to see detailed information. The star can be found next to the name of the course and by marking it you can add the course to your favourites. You can also mark courses in other applications, see Help for more details.
You can then simply register for marked courses by searching for a course with an asterisk in the registration application.1 Use to star a course.
- 20.How do I register quickly?Before registration starts, click on "Add courses", find the courses you need and add them. This will create a list of courses "Prepared for Registration". Once the registration period starts, you can register all these courses with one click.
1 Before the start of registration, you can prepare courses for registration and then register it with one click.
- 21.Where can I find the history of my registration and enrollment operations?Here you will find the name of the semester and the registered/cancelled course, the time stamp of the request and the identification of the person who made the request. Use the links:The Information System Student Start of Term My operations history
1 Operation performed.
2 Term.
3 Name of course.
4 Person who has performed the operation.
- 22.I have interrupted my studies. Shall I register for courses?If you plan to re-enroll in your studies in the upcoming semester, register for courses. Your registration requirements will not be included in the calculation of course registration order. If you re-enroll in your studies at a later date, the correct rank will be calculated after the fact (the time stamps from when the course was registered will be applied). If ranking is important to you (for capacity-constrained courses), it is advisable to re-enroll in your studies early, before course registration opens. Otherwise, you may be overtaken in the queue (course registration) by students with active studies.
Provided you have failed to find the information you were searching for, you can contact us at fi