Official photograph JUDr. Veronika Smutná, Ph.D.

JUDr. Veronika Smutná, Ph.D.

née Veronika Kudrováučo 108125
Assistant professor KSVSP PrF MU
Room 159
Veveří 70
Assistant professor at Department of Administrative Studies and Administrative Law (MU, Faculty of Law)
549 49 6673 call
108125(zavináč/atsign)mail(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz veronika(tečka/dot)smutna(zavináč/atsign)law(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz


Department of Administrative Studies and Administrative Law – Faculty of Law
Positionassistant professor
Room159 (Veveří 70, Brno)
Phone number549 49 6673 call

Membership in academic institutions


Programme PrF D-TPV4 Theoretical Legal Sciences (4-years), doctoral degree programme
SupervisorJUDr. Jana Jurníková, Ph.D.
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: Ph.D., in 2013
Thesis/DissertationAdministrative Decisions of the Higher Education Institutions
Field of StudyPrF SPZP Administrative and Environmental Law
Programme PrF Rig-PPV Law and Legal Science, Advanced Master's state examination
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: JUDr., in 2011
Thesis/DissertationStudy-related Fees at Universities
Field of StudyPrF PR Law
SPPR Správní právo
Programme PrF M-PPV Law and Legal Science, Master's degree programme
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr., in 2008
Thesis/DissertationRecognition of Qualifications: European Law
Field of StudyPrF PR Law