doc. Ing. Mgr. Lucie Coufalová, Ph.D. et Ph.D.

učo 174064
Associate professor KEk ESF MU
Room 506
Lipová 41a
549 49 3236 call
lcoufalova(zavináč/atsign)mail(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz, email forwarded to another address


Long-term work absence
Department of Economics – Faculty of Economics and Administration
Positionassociate professor
Room506 (Lipová 41a, Brno)
Phone number549 49 3236 call
Faculty of Economics and Administration
Positionassociate professor


Programme ESF D-HOSP Economic Policy, doctoral degree programme
Supervisordoc. Ing. Libor Žídek, Ph.D.
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: Ph.D., in 2021
Thesis/DissertationThe impact of separatism on foreign trade
PlanESF DHOSP05 Economic Policy
Programme FF D-FI4 Philology (4-years), doctoral degree programme
Supervisordoc. Mgr. Daniel Vázquez Touriño, Ph.D.
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: Ph.D., in 2016
Thesis/DissertationThe Mexican Revolution in the Theatre
Field of StudyFF ROLI Romance Literatures
Programme ESF N-HPS Economic Policy and Administration, Master's degree programme
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: Ing., in 2014
Thesis/DissertationThe Economics of Catalan Independence
Field of StudyESF HOSP Economic Policy
Programme FF N-FI Philology, Master's degree programme
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr., in 2010
Thesis/DissertationThe Mexican Revolution in three playwright generations
Field of StudyFF SJ Spanish Language and Literature
Programme FF N-SS Teacher Training for Secondary Schools, Master's degree programme
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: Mgr., in 2010
Thesis/DissertationThe Mexican Revolution in three playwright generations
Field of StudyFF SJU Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in Spanish Language and Literature
Programme ESF B-EKM Economy and Management, Bachelor's degree programme
Statusstate examination passed and studies completed, degree conferred: Bc., in 2013
Thesis/DissertationGreen marketing
Field of StudyESF PEM Business Management
Programme CST C-CV Lifelong Education, lifelong learning
Statuscompleted (further education, lifelong learning)
Field of StudyCST PRFKT Organization, Management and Project Management of Research and Development (Project PREFEKT)