- Mgr. Ivona Amranová (porter and information service assistant), učo 240130
- Mgr. Bc. Pavel Bojanovský (security manager), učo 238448
- Petr Brabec (OSH and FS officer), učo 251693
- Hana Burešová, DiS. (moveble property administrator), učo 245536 *
- Lucie Havlíčková (operational assistant), učo 244275 *
- Libor Herník (maintenance technician), učo 159
- Soňa Chatrná (operational assistant), učo 186014
- Pavel Karásek (ICT administrator), učo 459163
- Ing. Michal Karhánek (auditorium technician), učo 248434
- Ing. Roman Kazda (porter and information service assistant), učo 234071
- Ondřej Kulíšek (head of ICT office), učo 118727
- Ing. Radovan Majnuš (director of technical operations office), učo 248406
- Bc. Hana Novotná (moveble property administrator), učo 398878
- Jan Ohainka (ICT administrator), učo 246752
- Ing. Vlastislav Okáník (head of building administration), učo 242032
- Ing. Martin Pajgr (OSH and FS manager), učo 253548
- Stanislav Piňos (property management technician), učo 111285
- Bc. Patrik Postava (ICT administrator), učo 247698
- Leona Rajtarová, DiS. (operational assistant), učo 118326
- Jolana Rychetská (porter and information service assistant), učo 235409
- Mgr. Michaela Rychtaříková Valentová (head of technical operations division), učo 61260
- Aleš Staněk (maintenance technician), učo 255085
- Lenka Stratilová (porter and information service assistant), učo 254229
- Jiří Štěrba (maintenance technician), učo 107816
- Mgr. Tomáš Tóth (AV administrator), učo 135954
- Petr Volf (facility manager), učo 93767
* Long-term work absence