Bookmarks of the following user: doc. Mgr. Jakub Macek, Ph.D., učo 14931 with the tag: resources newmedia
Bookmarks of the following user: doc. Mgr. Jakub Macek, Ph.D., učo 14931 with the tag: resources newmedia
Dr Lincoln Dahlberg - The School of Journalism and Communication at The University of Queensland 2 users, first 26/6/2007, Jakub Macek, bookmarks, people
CYBERANTHROPOLOGY - Alexander Knorr aka xirdal
the cultural appropriation of information and communication technologies
1 user, first 26/6/2007, Jakub Macek, bookmarks, peopleMedia Studies 2.0 - Article on future of media studies by David Gauntlett at 1 user, first 26/6/2007, Jakub Macek, bookmarks, people
Special thanks to for inspiring us.