Bookmarks of the following user: doc. Mgr. Jakub Macek, Ph.D., učo 14931 with the tag: social_theory article
Bookmarks of the following user: doc. Mgr. Jakub Macek, Ph.D., učo 14931 with the tag: social_theory article
david silver - cyberculture: an annotated bibliography 1 user, first 26/6/2007, Jakub Macek, bookmarks, people
another blog is possible » Why Web 2.0 is Evil 1 user, first 26/6/2007, Jakub Macek, bookmarks, people
Lincoln Dahlberg - Extending the Public Sphere through Cyberspace: The Case of Minnesota E-Democracy 1 user, first 26/6/2007, Jakub Macek, bookmarks, people
Hermeneutics: From Textual Explication to Computer Understanding? 1 user, first 26/6/2007, Jakub Macek, bookmarks, people
REVUE PRO MÉDIA – Čtvrtletník pro kritickou reflexi médií 1 user, first 26/6/2007, Jakub Macek, bookmarks, people
macek-koncept_rane_kyberkultury.pdf (application/pdf objekt)
Macek, J. 2004. "Koncept rané kyberkultury." Média a realita, ed. by Binková, P. – Volek, J. Brno: Masarykova univerzita.
2 users, first 26/6/2007, Jakub Macek, bookmarks, peopleLincoln Dahlberg - Extending the Public Sphere through Cyberspace: The Case of Minnesota E-Democracy 2 users, first 26/6/2007, Jakub Macek, bookmarks, people
Media Studies 2.0 - Article on future of media studies by David Gauntlett at 1 user, first 26/6/2007, Jakub Macek, bookmarks, people
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