Bookmarks of the following user: Mgr. Ivana Lipnerová, učo 151317 with the tag: PříF:Bi6580 obor_botanika
Bookmarks of the following user: Mgr. Ivana Lipnerová, učo 151317 with the tag: PříF:Bi6580 obor_botanika
IPNI: International Plant Name Index
database of the names and associated basic bibliographical details of all seed plants, ferns and fern allies
2 users, first 8/2/2007, Ivana Lipnerová, bookmarks, peopleTaxonomy Community of Practice Wikispace
komunita taxonomu na wiki, diskuze, clanky apod.
1 user, first 28/1/2007, Ivana Lipnerová, bookmarks, peoplePlant DNA C-values database
Kew, databaze velikosti genomu rostin
1 user, first 28/1/2007, Ivana Lipnerová, bookmarks, peopleIAPT - International Association for Plant Taxonomy
mezinarodni asociace rostlinne taxonomie, hlavni stranka
1 user, first 23/1/2007, Ivana Lipnerová, bookmarks, peopleW3TROPICOS
databáze nomenklatury rostlin - jméno, autor, synonyma, chromozomový počet
1 user, first 22/1/2007, Ivana Lipnerová, bookmarks, people
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